Pamart, Anthony (19..-....)
Anthony PAMART is graduated in architecture (ULB, Belgium) with a specialization in 3D digitization (AllCe Lab, Bruxelles). He was in 2014, a Center for Khmer Studies (CKS, Cambodia) fellow hosted at the research institute of the Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) in Siem Reap to develop practices of close-range photogrammetry in Angkor archeological park. In 2015, he joined the MAP laboratory in Marseille (UMR 3495 CNRS/MCC) as a European Leonardo fellow to work on shape analysis and he's currently studies engineer in charge of the acquisition, the processing and the analysis of 3D data. He's also involved in other scientific partnerships and actions (COST-COSCH/Consortium3D CNRS) about multimodality and dissemination of 3D contents.
- Imagerie
- Patrimoine
- Photogrammétrie
- Coopération internationale dans le domaine de l'archéologie et des arts (échanges internationaux de personnes
- préservation des antiquités et biens culturels)
- Documentaire
- digital humanities
- digital objects
- H2020
- Cultural heritage
- Coopération internationale dans le domaine de l'archéologie et des arts (échanges internationaux de personnes
- préservation des antiquités et biens culturels)
- Documentaire
- multimodalité
Séance 3 : Des données à l’interprétation : quelles limites ?
Séance 3 : Des données à l’interprétation : quelles limites ?
A Short Review on Issues and Trends in the Field of Photogrammetric Acquisition and Processing
Presentation of Anthony PAMART (MAP, France) at the PARTHENOS workshop "Digital 3D objects in Art and Humanities: challenges of creation, interoperability and preservation" (Bordeaux, 30 Nov.-2 Dec.
Open Discussion on Multimodality (Ongoing Experimentations)
Open discussion led by Anthony PAMART (CNRS, MAP Lab., France) and Matteo DELLEPIANE (CNR-ISTI, Italy) at the PARTHENOS workshop "Digital 3D objects in Art and Humanities: challenges of creation,
Morphological Analysis of Shape Semantics
Presentation of Anthony PAMART (CNRS, MAP Lab., France) at the PARTHENOS workshop "Digital 3D objects in Art and Humanities: challenges of creation, interoperability and preservation" (Bordeaux, 30