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Camille BONNEMAZOU (Réalisation), Hélène CHALLULAU (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), يوسف سدان (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/a12n-2d10
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يوسف سدان. FMSH. (2007, 2 février). Aspects socio-culturels de la littérature arabe classique , in SADAN Joseph. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/a12n-2d10. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

Aspects socio-culturels de la littérature arabe classique

Réalisation : 2 février 2007 - Mise en ligne : 17 janvier 2008
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Joseph SADAN est professeur de littérature et civilisation arabo-musulmanes à l’Université de Tel Aviv, Isräel, où il tient la chaire Irène Halmos de Littérature arabe. Il s'intéresse, entre autres domaines, à la littérature arabe classique en prose (adab), la poésie et l'atmosphère culturelle durant la période abbasside, la civilisation matérielle musulmane et les aspects de la vie quotidienne à l’époque médiévale (tels que les boissons et la nourriture, les meubles, le matériel et les instruments pour l'écriture). Il travaille aussi sur l’interaction entre littérature écrite et littérature orale dans le développement des grands récits de la civilisation arabo-musulmane. On peut citer par exemple le fameux Alf layla wa-layla (The Arabian Nights, Les Mille et une Nuits), œuvre sur laquelle il revient longuement pendant l’entretien. Le site internet de Joseph Sadan


1. Le mobilier au Proche-Orient médiéval, Leiden (E. J. Brill), 185 pp. and 42 drawings, 8 plates, 1976.
Won the "Concours" of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Paris.

2. Nouvelle source de l'époque bûyide (series: Hadâra, the Dept. of Arabic and the Dept. of Hist. of the Middle East & Africa), Tel Aviv, 128 pp., Tel Aviv, 1980.

3. [In Arabic] Arabic Humoristic Literature and the Literary Genre 'Anecdotes on Boring Persons' (al-Adab al-hâzil wa-nawâdir al-thuqalâ') in the series: Literary Texts and Studies of the Tel Aviv University, No 5, at the Sarûjî Press, Acre, Tel Aviv and Acre, 1984-5. 152 pp.

4. Second and improved edition of the same (al-Adab al-hâzil wa-nawâdir al-thuqalâ'), 'Kamel - Baghdad Verlag', Köln (2007), 183 pp.

5. (With co-authors: P. Sj. van Koningsveld, Q. al-Samarrai) Yemenite Authorities and Jewish Messianism, published by the Documentatiebureau Islam-Christendom, Leiden (Leiden University, Faculty of Theology), 1990. 206 pp.

6. [Hebrew] Still More Arabian Nights (Lo Elef ve-lo Layla), Tel Aviv (Am Oved; in the series of Sifrey Mofet), 2003. 260 pp.

7. [Ni mille ni nuits] Et il y eut d'autres nuits, Paris (Editions Médicis-Entrelacs, Groupe Albin Michel), 2004. 175 pp.

8. Book in preparation, ready for the press: ([English] with co-author: S. Moreh) Dramatic Dimensions and Social Strata; Two Medieval Egyptian Plays, 200 pp.


9. "Meubles et Acculturation", Annales - Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations (Paris), XXV (Sept. 1970), pp. 1354-1374.

10. "A propos de 'martaba'; remarques sur l'étiquette", Revue des Etudes Islamiques (Paris), XL (1973), pp. 51-70.

11. "The Nomad versus Sedentary Framework in Arabic Literature", Fabula - Zeitschrift für Erzählforschung (Göttingen, Germany), XV, Heft ½ (1974), pp. 59-86.

12. [Hebrew] "Milk and Wine - the Struggle between Archaic Classics and Innovative Realism in Medieval Arabic Literature", Ha-Sifrut, the Literary Studies Review of Tel Aviv University, N0 12, (1975), pp. 119-134.

13. [Hebrew] "The World of Copiyists and Scribes", Aley Sefer, of the Bar-Ilan University, II (1976), pp. 33-51.

14. "Vin - fait de civilisation", Studies in Memory of Gaston Wiet (ed. M. Rosen-Ayalon), Hebrew University Jerusalem, 1977, pp. 129-160.

15. "Nouveaux documents sur scribes et copistes", Revue des Etudes Islamiques (Paris), XLV/1 (1977), pp. 41-87. Including Arabic text (21 pp. out of the 48 pp.) of the ninth century Epistle on Writing and Pens, al-Khatt wal-qalam, by Ibn Qutayba, publ. for the first time.

16. "The Division of the Day and the Work Program of al-Mansur", Studia Orientalia Memoriae D.H. Baneth Dedicata (ed. M.J. Kister, S. Pines), Heb. University, Jerusalem, 1979, pp. 255-273.

17. [Hebrew] "King and Craftsmes - a Framework of Contrasts; a Medieval Composition Verging on Dramatic Literature", Ha-Sifrut, the Literary Studies Periodical of Tel Aviv University, N0 26 (April 1978), pp. 141-168.

18. [Hebrew] "Additional Materials on Kings and Craftsmen", Ha-Sifrut, the Literary Studies Periodical of Tel Aviv University, N0 27 (December 1978), pp. 134-137.

19. [Hebrew] "The Holy Site (Maqam) of Nabi Musa, between Jericho and Damascus; a History of a Competition between Sacred Places", Ha-Mizrah Ha-Hadash, the Israel Oriental Society Qaurterly, XXVIII, fasc. 1-2 (1979), pp. 22-38.

20. [Hebrew] "Three New Sources from the Arabic 'Merits of the Holy Land' Literature of the Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries", Cathedra of the Ben Zvi Memorial, N0 11 (1979), pp. 186-206.

21. [Hebrew] "The Dispute Concerning Maqam Nabi Musa in the Muslim Sources", Ha-Mizrah Ha-Hadash, the Israel Oriental Society Qaurterly, XXVIII, fasc. 3-4 (1980), pp. 220-238.

22. [Hebrew] "On Genizah Practices among Muslims and the Methods of Treating Worn-Out Holy Books", Kiryat Sefer of the Hebrew University, LV (1980), pp. 398-410.

23. "Le tombeau de Moïse à Jéricho et à Damas", Revue des Etudes Islamiques (Paris), XLIX (1981, printed 1989), pp. 59-99.

24. "Kings and Craftsmen - a Pattern of Contrasts", part I, Studia Islamica (Paris), fasc. LVII (1982), pp. 7-53.

25. "New Source of the Buyid Period", I.O.S. (1983), vol. IX, pp. 355-376.

26. "Community and Extra-Community as Legal and Literary Problem", I. O. S., X (1983), special volume: Religion and Government in the World of Islam, pp. 102-115.

27. [Hebrew] "On Medieval 'Torah' in Arabic", Jerusalem Studies (Mehkarey Yerushalayim) in Jewish Thought of the Hebrew University, II/3 (1983), pp. 404-415.

28. [Hebrew] "The Arabian Nights in Judaeo-Arabic of Oran", Pe'amim of the Ben-Zvi Institute, N0 17 (1984), pp. 76-87.

29. "Kings and Craftsmen - a Pattern of Contrasts", part II, Studia Islamica (Paris), fasc. LXII (1985), pp. 89-120.

30. "Some Literary Problems Concerning Judaism and Jewry in Medieval Arabic Sources", Studies in Honour of David Ayalon (ed. M. Sharon), Leiden (E.J. Brill and the Hebrew University), 1986, pp. 353-398.

31. "A 'Closed-Circuit' Saying on Practical Justice", Jahiliyya and Islamic Studies in Honour of M.J. Kister (ed. S. Pines, Sh. Shaked), part 2 = JSAI (Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam) X (1987), pp. 325-341.

32. "Genizah and Genizah-Like Practices in Islamic and Jewish Traditions", Bibliotheca Orientalis (Leiden), XLIII, 1/2 (1986), pp. 36-58.

33. "Âdâb - règles de conduite, et âdâb - dictons, maximes, dans quelques ouvrages inédits d'al-Ta'alibî, Mélanges Dominique Sourdel - Revue des Etudes Islamiques, LIV (1986, printed 1989), pp. 285-302.

34. "The Art of the Goldsmith Reflected in Medieval Arabic Literature", in Islamic Rings and Gems - the Zucker Collection (ed. D.J. Content), London (Philip Wilson), 1987, pp. 462-475, bibl. pp. 542-544.

35. Hebrew version of §34, ibid. pp. 490-501.

36. [Arabic] Fann al-siyagha kama yabdu fi al-adab al-'arabi - Arabic version of the same, ibid, pp. 476-489.

37. [Arabic] "The Epistle on Ugliness by Güzelhisari al-Aydini", Al-Karmil (Haifa University), IX (1988), pp. 7-33.

38. "Vines, Women and Seas - Some Images of the Ruler in Medieval Arabic Literature", Journal of Semitic Studies (University of Manchester, at the Oxford University Press) XXXIV (1989), pp.133-152.

39. "An Admirable and Ridiculous Hero; Some Notes on the Bedouin in Medieval Arabic Belles-Lettres", Poetics Today (Duke University Press, Durham, NC), X (1989), pp. 471-492.

40. [Hebrew] "A Dialogue between a Converted Jew and the Ottoman Ulama", Pe'amim of the Ben-Zvi Institute, N0 42 (1990), pp. 91-104.

41. [Hebrew] "The Chronicle by Ibn Nasir on a Jewish Messianic Movement in the Yemen in the Second Half of the 17th Century", Pe'amim of the Ben-Zvi Institute, N0 43 (1990), pp. 111-135.

42. "La littérature vue par un administrateur frustré; L'arrière-fond de la description la plus courte et la plus sarcastique du développement de la prose arabe", Studia Islamica (Paris), fasc. LXXI (1990), pp. 29-36.

43. "Maidens' Hair and Starry Skies - Images System and Ma'ani Guides", in: Medieval Poetry and Poetics - Studies in Arabic and Hebrew Literature (ed. S. Somekh) = I.O.S. (at the E.J. Brill Press, Leiden), XI (1991), pp. 57-88.

44. "Some Written Sources Concerning Goldsmithing and Jewellery", Jewellery and Goldsmithing in the Islamic World (the Israel Musem, Jerusalem, ed. Naama Brosh), 1991 pp. 93-100.

45. "A Legal Opinion Concerning the Sanctity of Jerusalem", I.O.S. (at the E.J. Brill Press, Leiden), XIII (1993), pp. 231-245.

46. "Identity and Inimitability - Contexts of Inter-Religious Polemics", in: Concepts of the Other in Near Eastern Religions, I.O.S. XIV (at the E.J. Brill Press, Leiden), XIV (1994), pp. 325-347.

47. "Âdâb al-muluk attribué à al-Gahiz - un cas type sur la question d'authenticité de certains inédits gahiziens", Arabica (Paris), XL (1994), pp. 431-438.

48. [Hebrew] "Biblical Poetics Commented by Jews, Christians and Muslims and the Composition by al-Harith ibn Sinan", Israel Levin Volume, ed. by R. Zur and T. Rosen, the Kaz Institute, Tel Aviv University, 1994, I, pp. 195-240.

49. "The 'Latrines Decree' in the Yemen versus the Dhimma Principles", in: Pluralism and the Other ; Studies in Religious Behaviour, edited by J. Platvoet and K. van der Toorn, at E.J. Brill (Leiden) , in the series of Numen, Leiden, 1995, pp. 167-185.

50. [Hebrew] "Polemics as Literary and Religious Writing", Muslim Writers on Jews and Judaism, ed. H. Lazarus-Yafeh, the Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1996, pp. 37-58.

51. [in Dutch, with P.Sj. van Koningsveld as co-author], "Aspecten van de sociale geschiedens van de joodse minderheid in Jemen", in: Joden in de wereld van de Islam, edited by J-M. Cohen and I.E. Zviep, Jewish Historical Museum and the Bulaaq Publishing House, Amsterdam, 1996, pp. 97-111.

52. [Hebrew] "Yehuda Alharizi's Biography as a Cultural Junction", Pe'amim of the Ben-Zvi Institute, N0 68 (1996), pp. 16-67.

53. [Hebrew] "Identification of the Maqam Nabi Musa", Religion and Cult of Sacred Sites in Palestine (a special issue of Ariel, N0 117), 1997, pp. 182-187.

54. [Hebrew] "Purity and Impurity of Books", Pe'amim of the Ben-Zvi Institute, N0 70 (1997), pp. 4-22.

55. [Arabic] "The Literary Lesson Drawn from the Epistle ' The War between the Cat and the Mouse' - Qissat al-qitt wal-fa'r; Text-Edition and Preliminary Remarks", Al-Karmil (Haifa University), XVIII-XIX, Volume in Memory of David Semah (1997-1998), pp. 7-33.

56. [Hebrew] "Between the Restrictions Imposed on the Yemenite Jews at the End of the 17th Century and the Latrines Decree", Mas'at Moshe; Studies in the Jewish and Arab Cultures in Honor of M. Gil, ed. by E. Fleischer and M.A. Friedman, Mossad Bialik and the Tel Aviv University, 1998, pp. 202-236.

57. "Hârûn al-Rashîd and the Brewer: Preliminary Remarks on the Adab of the Elite versus Hikayat", in Studies in Canonical and Popular Arabic Literature, edited by S. Ballas and R. Snir, at the York Press, Toronto, 1998, pp. 1-22.

58. "Death of a Princess; Episodes of the Barmakid Legend in Its Late Evolution", in: Story-telling in the Framework of Non-Fictional Arabic Literature, edited by Stefan Leder, Wiesbaden (Otto Harrassowitz), 1998, pp. 130-157.

59. "Arabic Tom 'n Jerry Compositions; a Popular Composition on a War between Cats and Mice and a Maqama on Negotiations and Concluding Peace between a Cat and a Mouse", Compilation and Creation in Adab and Lugha = I.O.S., XIX (1999), pp. 173-205.

60. [Arabic] "Aladdin and his Lamp Return to their Origins", Al-Karmil (Haifa University), XX (1999), pp. 149-188.

61. "On Tombs and Holy Writ", in Milestones in the Art and Culture of Egypt, edited by Asher Ovadiah, the Faculty of Art at the Tel-Aviv University, 2000, pp. 171-194.

62. [Hebrew] "The Sabbatian Movement and Its Aftermath in the 17th Century Yemen; the Version of Yahya ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Qasim", Sabbatian Movement and Its Aftermath; Messianism, Sabbatianism and Frankism, ed. by Rachel Eli'or, Hebrew University, the Gershom Shalom Center (Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought), 2001, I, pp. 93-112.

63. "L'Orient pittoresque et Aladin retrouvé", in Emergence des francophonies, edited by D. Mendelson, Limoges (Pulim: Presses Universitaires de l'Université de Limoges), 2001, pp. 169-184.

64. "Background, Date and Meaning of the Story of the Alexandrian Lover and the Magic Lamp", Q.S.A. (Quaderni di Studi Arabi) XIX (2001), pp. 173-192.

65. "Un intellectuel juif au confluent de deux cultures; Yehuda al-Harizi et sa biographie arabe", in Judíos y musulmanes en al-Andalus y el Magreb; Contactos intelectuelas, edited by Maribel Fierro, Madrid (Collection of Casa de Vellazques, in the series Judíos en tierras de Islam, I), 2002, pp. 105-151.

66. "The Arabian Nights and the Jews" [shorter version of No 73 infra], The Arabian Nights Encyclopedia, ed., U. Marzolph. R. van Leeuwen, H. Wassouf, Santa Barbara (ABC - Clio), 2004, I, introductive chapters, pp. 42-46.

67. "Jacques Cazotte, His Hero Xaïloun, and Hamîda the Kaslân: A Unique Feature of Cazotte's 'Continuation' of the Arabian Nights and a Newly Discovered Arabic Source That Inspired His Novel on Xaïloun", Marvel and Tales, XVIII/2 (2004), pp. 286- 299.

68. "Nomad and Sedentary: Demarcation in Food and Wood and the Special Case of Al-Harizi of Toledo", in: Mnuela Marín y Cristina de La Puente (eds.), El Banquete de las Parablas: La Alimentation en los Textos Árabes, Madrid (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), 2005, pp. 121-134.

69. [Arabic] "Would it be Proper to Laugh at a 'Bedouin', a 'Villager', or a 'Kurd'? An Analytical Survey of Literary Contrasts", Al-Karmil (Haifa University), XXV-XXVI (2004-5), pp. 123-137.

70. (Co-authors: Joseph Sadan and Adam Silverstein), "Ornate Manuals or Practical Adab? Some Reflections on a Unique work by an Anonymous Author of the 10th Century CE", Al-Qantara (Consejo Nacional, Madrid), XXV/2 (2004), pp. 339-335.

71. "Ants, Miracles and Mythological Monster; a Literary Study of Ant Narratives between a Jâhizian Atmosphere and Munâjât Mûsâ", JSAI, 30 (2005), pp. 403-449.

72. (With Nasir Basal), "Some Fragments of Judaeo-Arabic Poetry", JSAI, 32 (2006), Volume in honour Franz Rosenthal Volume, pp. 213-246.

73. New improved version of §67 ("Jacques Cazotte, His Hero Xaïloun, and Hamîda the Kaslân: A Unique Feature of Cazotte's 'Continuation' ), in: U. Marzolph, (ed.), The Arabian Nights in Transnational Perspective, Detroit (Wayne State University Press), 2007, pp. 33-48.

Forthcoming articles

74. "Purity, Impurity and the Disposal of Defiled Books in Islam, in Comparison with Judaism", JSAI, 33 (2007), Volume in honour of Y. Friedmann, 42 pp., proofs

75. "Jackals' Discourse: "The Middle-Ages versus Bialik and Elmaleh (Kalîla wa-Dimna in the Hebrew versions)", Le répertoire narratif arabe médiéval; suivant le colloque de l'Université de Liège, Sept. 2005, edited by F. Buden, A. Chraïbi, A. Ghersetti, Liège, 28 pp. in press.

76. "Si'ah Tanim" (Jackals' Talk), Aley Hen, Bamat Beit Bialik le-Te'ud u-le-mehqar (Hebrew) edited by the Bialik Archive, by by its director Shmuel Avneri, in the first number (the opening issue), 2007?, 25 pp (computer).

77. "The Arabian Nights and the Jews", in Festschrift G.R. Khoury, edited by his disciples (Dr. S. Karoui, Dr. M. Schmidt) at the Heidelberg University, 18 pp. (computer).

Other Publications (Methodological, Teaching Textbooks, Articles in Educational Publ., etc.)

a. Other Publications: Books and Booklets

78. [Hebrew] Between Heritage and Revolution; on Struggles and Modernization Attempts in the Abbasid Poetry, shortened by I. Geries. Textbook printed by the Dyonon (Students Association), 1972, 171 pp.

79. [Arabic] F. Mawasi, A. Arafat, M. Abu Fani, J. Sadan, Parables and Maxims,(Sources), Booklet I (Ministry of Education and Culture, Center of Education Programs and the Dept of Arabic Language & Literature, Tel Aviv University, at the Saruji Press, Acre), 1980, 45 pp.

80. [Arabic] F. Mawasi, A. Arafat, M. Abu Fani, J. Sadan, Parables and Maxims (History and Background of), Booklet II (Ministry of Education and Culture, Center of Education Programs and the Dept of Arabic Language & Literature, Tel Aviv, at the Saruji Press, Acre), 1980, 53 pp.

81. [Hebrew] The Serenity of Lightness; on Arabic Adab, Ministry of Education, Center for Educational Programs and the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at Tel Aviv Univ., a series ed. by G. Meisels, N0 5 (1981), 62 pp.

b. Other Publications: Articles in Educational and Cultural Non-Academic Periodicals

82. (Arabic), "Popular Atmosphere - the Axis of 'Adab' Stories", al-Jadid, XXII/5 (1975), pp. 37-46.

83. "Muslim Customs Regarding Worn-Out Sacred Books; Background to the Cairo Genizah", Bulletin of the Israeli Academic Center in Cairo, No 3 (1983-1984), pp. 2-3.

84. "Judaeo-Arabic Literature in the 19th Century; on Some Translated Stories and an Original Novel", Bulletin of the Israeli Academic Center in Cairo, No 7 (1986), pp. 7-10.

85. [English and Arabic] "Scribes Copyists and 'Readers-Clubs' in the Light of Genizah Documents", Bulletin of the Israeli Academic Center in Cairo, No 16 (1992), pp. 35-36 and 67-72.

86. [Hebrew] The Jew's Image in Classical Arabic Literature, Mahanayim Quaterly, ed. by Rabbi Menahem Hakohen, I (1992), pp. 196-207. 1992.

87. [Hebrew] "Not Thousand and not One Nights", Keshet Jubilee Issue, ed. A. Amir, Tel Aviv, 1998, pp. 161-181.

Items in Encyclopaediae

88-89. In the Encyclopedia Hebraica, articles: "Kufa", "Masjid", "Arabic: Literature" (first part: classical). XX, p. 690; XXIII, pp. 1082-1083; XXVIII, pp. 179-183.

90. "Khamr" (=Wine), Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, Brill, Leiden, IV (1978), pp. 997-998.

91. "Athâth" (=Furniture), Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, Brill, Leiden, Supplement vol, I, fasc. 1-2 (1980), pp. 99-100.

92. [Cl. Huart, J. Sadan,] "Kursi" (=Chairs, seats), Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, Brill, Leiden, V (1986), p. 509.

93. "Lubûd" (=Felt), Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, V (1986), p. 798.

94. "Mafrûshât" (=Carpets, upholstery), Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, Brill, Leiden, V (1986), pp. 1158-1159.

95. "Furniture (Middle Eastern)", Dictionary of the Middle-Ages, V, pp. 313-316, 1985.

96. "Kursî", Dictionary of the Middle-Ages, VII (1986), p. 311.

97. [J. Sadan, J. Fraenkel,] "Manâr-Manâra"(=Light-House), Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, Brill, Leiden, VI/103-104 (1987), pp. 358-360.

98. "Mashrûbât" (=Drinks), Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, Brill, Leiden, VI/109-110 (1989), pp. 720-723.

99. "Milh" (=Salt), Encyclopaedia of Islam, Brill, Leiden, VII (1990), p. 57.

100."Mirwaha" (Fans; ventilation), Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, Brill, Leiden, VII (1990), pp. 127-129.

101. "Nadîm" (Boon-Companion), Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, Brill, Leiden, VII (1992), pp. 851-853.

102. "Sha'r" (Hair, pelt), Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, Brill, Leiden, IX (1997), p. 311.

103. "Martaba" (degree, ceremonial rank, concept of etiquette), Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, Supplement of the Encyclopaedia, fasc. 9-10 (2004), Leiden (Brill), pp. 600-601.

104. "Ayn Musa" (the Spring of Moses), the Encyclopaedia of Islam, third edition, in press

105. "Anecdote" the Encyclopaedia of Islam, third edition, in press.

Book Reviews

106. [Hebrew] (J. Sadan, S. Somekh) On: H.A.R. Gibb and J.M. Landau, Introduction to the Arabic Literature (in its Hebrew version), review in Ha-Mizrah Ha-Hadash, the Israel Oriental Society Qaurterly, XXI (1971), pp. 480-483.

107. On: M. Gil, The Tustaries, family and Sect, in JESHO (Journal of Economic and social History of the Orient), XXIX (1986), pp. 104-105.

108. [Arabic] On: L. Kinberg (ed.), Kitab al-mawt wal-qubur of Ibn Abi al-Dunya, in: Al-Karmil (Haifa University), IV (1983), pp. 133-140.

109. On: F. Malti-Douglas, Structures of Avarice, in: Fabula - Zeitschrift für Erzählforschung (Göttingen, Germany), Band 30 (1989), pp. 338-339.

110. On: F. Malti-Douglas, Structures of Avarice, in: I.O.S. (at the E.J. Brill Press, Leiden,), XII (1992), pp. 247-251. 1992.

111. On: Stefan C. Reif, Published Material from the Cambridge Genizah, Cambridge 1988, in: I.O.S. (at the E.J. Brill Press, Leiden), XIII (1993), pp. 289-292.

112. On: The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature (II): 'Abbâsid Belles-Lettres, ed. by J. Ashtiany, T.M. Johnstone, J.D. Latham, R.B. Serjeant, R. Smith, Cambridge 1990, in: I.O.S. (at the E.J. Brill Press, Leiden), XIII (1993), pp. 283-288.

113. On: M. Piamenta, The Human Conception of God and Human Welfare (Leiden), in: Mediterranean Languages Review, VI-VII (1983), pp. 279-280.

114. On: Wiebke Walther, Tausend und eine Nacht, in: Journal of Arabic Literature, XXV (1994), pp. 81-85.

115. [Hebrew] On: H. Taragan, Patronage and Art in the Umayyad Palace of Jericho, in: Ha-Mizrah Ha-Hadash, the Israel Oriental Society Qaurterly, XLI (2000), pp. 190-191.

116. On: A. Arazi, S. Masalha, Six Early Arab Poets, in: Studia Islamica, fasc. XCII-IV (2001), pp. 149-153.

117. On: S. Khaliliyeh, Islamic Maritime Law, in: Studia Islamica, fasc. XCII-IV (2001), pp. 173-175.

118. On: R. Tottoli, Biblical Prophets in the Quran and Muslim Literature, in: Arabica, L/3 (2003), pp. 405-407.

119. [Hebrew] On: A. Shiloah, The Music in the Muslim World in Its Hebrew Version, in: Ha-Mizrah Ha-Hadash, the Israel Oriental Society Qaurterly (in press).

120. [Hebrew] On: Z. Ammar and Y. Seri, A Jewish Physician in Egypte, in Cathedra of the Ben Zvi Institute, fasc. 124 (June, 2007), pp. 171-174.

121. On: Manfred Fleischhammer, Die Quellen des Kitâb al-Aghânî: Wiesbaden (Otto Harrassowitz), 2004, JSAI, 33 (2007), 5 pp. proofs (in press).

122-124. Addena: At least three forthcoming articles are missing in the above-list; for instance:
- No 68 above, has a Hebrew version and will be included in Studies in Honour of Judith Dishon (Bar-Ilan), 30 pp. proofs

- An article in English, "Naïveté, Verses of Holy Writ, and Polemics" in the Festschrift Studies in Honour of Rimke Kruk, ed. A. Vrolijk, Leiden (Brill), proofs.

- Another one in English, "What Does Manhaj al-sawâb Want from the Jews?", in: Studies in Honour of Joel Kraemer, ed. Zvi Langerman, Leuven (Peeters) publishing house, Leuven, 30 pp. proofs.


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