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Richard FILLON (Réalisation), Elisabeth de PABLO (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), 真佐夫 樫永 (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/zdmh-c813
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真佐夫 樫永. FMSH. (2007, 25 mai). ベトナムの黒タイ族村落における民族学調査 - Ethnological Research in the Taî-Dams Villages in Vietnam , in KASHINAGA Masao. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/zdmh-c813. (Consultée le 21 septembre 2024)

ベトナムの黒タイ族村落における民族学調査 - Ethnological Research in the Taî-Dams Villages in Vietnam

Réalisation : 25 mai 2007 - Mise en ligne : 22 novembre 2010
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Masao KASHINAGA is Assistant Professor at Department of Social Research - National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan.
Its research topics are :
1. Historical study about the traditional socio-political units in the Southeast Asia; 2. Ethnographic study on the Black Tai society focusing on the material cultures; 3. Study about the relation between the Nation and the ethnic groups.

In this interview named: "Ethnological research in the Taî-Dams villages in Vietnam ", Mr Masao Kashinaga speaks about his academic course and describes its research about the ethnic groups belonging to the Tai-speaking people that are mainly living in Northern Vietnam.
Through the video, you will be able to listen some readings of old manuscript in Black-Taï language.

>> You will find more info on the following web site: "MINPAKU".

樫永真佐夫 : "ベトナムの黒タイ族村落における民族学調査"

(国立民族学博物館) 民族社会研究部・助教


>> 関連リンク集 : "国立民族学博物館".

Photos Gallery

© KAHINAGA Masao . All Rights Reserved.

The user agrees to respect intellectual property rules as defined in french legislation.

Linguistic map of Vietnam published by Georges MASPERO
/ Carte linguistique du Vietnam éditée par Georges MASPERO.

PHI DIN - Autel dédié à l'Esprit de la Terre / Altar dedicated to the Earth Spirit.

PA HEO - Lieu de rituel funéraire / Funerary ritual place.

Chemin / Path

Livre de divination / Divination book.

Black Taï Land - Nghia Lo scene / Région des Black Taï -Scène de Nghia Lo.

Traditional house of the black Taï characterized by its 3 levels: for the animals, the men and the spirits
/ Maison traditionnelle des Black Taï caractérisée par ses trois niveaux : pour les animaux, les hommes et les esprits.

Chef Taï en costume chinois (XIXème siècle) / Taï Chief in chinese costume (XIXth century)

Célébration du nouvel an / New Year's celebration.

Manuscrit et costume traditionnel / Manuscript and traditional costume.


© KAHINAGA Masao . All Rights Reserved.

The user agrees to respect intellectual property rules as defined in french legislation.,

E-mail: kasinaga@idc.minpaku.ac.jp


Academic Qualifications:

B.A. Waseda Univ. 1994
M.A. Univ. of Tokyo 1997
PhD. Univ. of Tokyo 2006

Profesional Experience

1997-1998 Associate Member to the National Museum in Ethnology - Vietnam
1999 Course at the University of Air, Tokyo in “Cultural Anthropology”
2001- Department of Social Research, Assistant Professor

Grants and Subventions :

1997-2000 Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS), Research Fellowship for Junior Scientists
2000-2001 &2002-2003 Matsushita International Scholarship for Research in Asia
2003 Grant for Research Abroad of National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka
2006-2007 Grant for Research Abroad of National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka.

Research Topics:
Historical study about the traditional socio-political units in the Southeast Asia
Ethnographic study on the Black Tai society focusing on the material cultures
Study about the relation between the Nation and the ethnic groups



Cam Trong & Kashinaga Masao 2003 Danh sach to tien ho Lo Cam - Mai Son, Son La, Nxb The Gioi [in Tai Dam, Vietnamese]


Main Articles:

2005 Insect Eating of the Thai in Vietnam, in Research Group for the Study of Society and Culture of Vietnam (eds.), Society and Culture of Vietnam, vol 5&6. Tokyo: Fukyosha, pp.185-204 [in Japanese]

2005 Transmissions of the Tai Dam Scripts in Tai Dam Villages, Kotoba to Shakai 9 :29-51[in Japanaese]

2005 Transmissions of Family Records of the Tai Dam Notables in Vietnam, in HASEGAWA Kiyoshi and TSUKADA Shigeyuki (eds.), Ethnic Representations in China : Anthropological and Historical Studies of the Southern Part of China, Tokyo :Fukyosha, pp.279-301 [in Japanese]

2005 Tai Dam : Their Distributions and Cultural Uniqueness, HAYASHI Yukio and GOUDA Tou (eds.), First Peoples in the Contemporary World (vol 2): Southeast Asia, Tokyo : Akashi-shoten, pp.123-139.

2005 Ethnic Diversiy in the Northern Part of Southeast Asia, Science 75-4 : 455-459 [in Japanese]

2004 Vietnam : National Unification As a ‘Little’ Chinese Empire, AOYAGI Machiko (ed.). Cultural Anthropology of Census : Comparative study of the Concepts of ‘Race’ and ‘Ethnic Group’ , Tokyo : Kokon Shoin , 159-176 [in Japanese]

2002 Notes on "The Customary Law of the Tai Dam in Muong Muoi", Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 65-3 : 361-447 [in Japanese with English resume ]

2002 Traditional Polity of the Tai Dam in Muang Lo, Minpaku-tsushin 95: 59-76 [in Japanese]

2001 Cutomary Law of the Tai Dam in Muang Muak , in Research Group for the Study of Society and Culture of Vietnam (eds.), Society and Culture of Vietnam, vol 3, Tokyo:Fukyosha, pp.284-351 [in Japanese]

2000 Change and Continuity in "Traditional" Textile Production in a Market Economy: Thai Villages in Northwestern Vietnam, in SEKIMOTO Teruo (ed.), Handicrafts and Industrial Development in Southeast Asia, Tokyo: Institute of Oriental Culture in University of Tokyo pp.269-298[In English ]

2000 Cong viec det vai va vai det thu cong trong sinh hoat xa hoi cua nguoi Thai o Tuan Giao, Van hoa Dan gian 2000-4. Tr. 76-80. [ In Vietnamese]

2000 Textile Production in a Tai Dam Village: a Case Study in Northwestern Vietnam, Waseda Society of Cultural Anthropology (ed.), Journal of Cultural Anthropology , vol.1: 62-76. [in Japanese with English resume]

2000 Textile Production in the Market Economy: an Example of a Tai Dam Village in Vietnam, The Japanese Journal of Ethnology 65-3: 252-267. [in Japanese with English resume]

2000 Changes of the Tai Dam Scripts in Vietnam: Literacy in Minority People, Research Group for the Study and Culture of Vietnam (eds.), Society and Culture of Vietnam, vol 2, Tokyo: Fukyosha, pp.133-178. [in Japanese]

1999 Customary Law of the Gia-rai , in Research Group for the Study of Society and Culture of Vietnam (eds.), Society and Culture of Vietnam, vol 1, Tokyo: Fukyosha, pp.218-290 [in Japanese]

1998 The Center for South Asian Studies, Tenri (ed.) Case of Customary Law Studies of Ethnic Minorities in the Vietnam Central Highlands: The Codification of 'Ethnic laws' in a Multiethnic Nation, Vietnam, and Customary Law Studies in French Indochina, The Nanpo-Bunka 25: 41-56 [in Japanese]



2003 Quam To Muang: The Tai Dam annals in Muang Muoi, in Research Group for the Study of Society and Culture of Vietnam (eds.), Society and Culture of Vietnam, vol 4, Tokyo:Fukyosha, pp.163-263 [from Tai Dam ]

2000  Ngo Duc Thinh 2000 Tap quan phap va phat trien nong thon o Viet Nam hien nay, Tap chi Van hoa Dan gian 69(1): 6-22. [from Vietnamese]

2000  Lafont, Pierre-Bernard 1955 Notes sur les familles patronymiques Thai noirs de Son-la et de Nghia-lo, Anthropos 50: 797-809 [from French]

1999 L. Cadiere, 1918, Croyance et pratiques religieuses des Annamites dans les environs de Hue, in Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient 18 [from French]


Presentations at the Congresses and International Symposiums:

2006 Objectives of ' Written Cultures in Mainland Southeast Asia', presented at International Symposium of National Museum of Ethnology: Written Cultures in Mainland Southeast Asia (3-4 February 2006, National Museum of Ethnology: Osaka) [in English]

2006 The transmission of written genealogies and patrilineality among the Tai Dam, presented at International Symposium of National Museum of Ethnology: Written Cultures in Mainland Southeast Asia (3-4 February 2006, National Museum of Ethnology: Osaka) [in English]

2004 Contemporary Ordinary Lives in a Tai Dam village, presented at International Workshop of National Museum of Ethnology: Change and Continuity of Traditions under Influence of Economic Developments in Vietnam (29 November 2004, National Museum of Ethnology: Osaka) [in Japanese]

2004 Comments on the Presentation of Prof. Cam Trong: ‘The Urban Lives of the Minority Thai in Vietnam’ , prsented at International Symposium of Toyo University (27 November 2004, Toyo University: Tokyo) [in Japanese]

2003 Cam Trong va Kashinaga Masao, Bao cao ve quyen sach "Danh Sach to tien ho Lo Cam ( Mai Son - Son La)". Chuong trinh bien soan gia pha o Viet Nam (Ngay 11/3/2003, o Trung tam nghien cuu Viet Nam va Giao luu van hoa , thuoc Dai hoc quoc gia Ha Noi) [in Vietnamese]

2003 Family Records and Annals of the Tai Dam, presented at 33th Annual Meetings of Japanese Society of Ethnology (Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology) (24 May2003,Kyoto Bunkyo University: Kyoto ) [in Japanese]

1999 Change and Continuity in "Traditional" Textile Production in a Market Economy: Thai Village in Northwestern Vietnam, presented at The International Conference: Handicrafts and Industrial Development un Southeast Asia (11-12November 1999, International House of Japan: Tokyo) [in English]

1999 Cloth Production in a Tai Dam Village in Northwestern Vietnam, presented at 7th International Conference on Thai Studies (4-8July1999, Amsterdam) [in English]

1999 Textile Production and the Dairy Life of the Tai Dam Villagers in Vietnam, presented at 33th Annual Meetings of Japanese Society of Ethnology (Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology) (22-23May1999,Tokyo Metropolitan University: Tokyo ) [in Japanese]


Organizing Symposiums and Workshops:

2006 International Symposium of National Museum of Ethnology: Written Cultures in Mainland Southeast Asia (3-4 February 2006, National Museum of Ethnology: Osaka) [in English]

2004 International Workshop of National Museum of Ethnology: Change and Continuity of Traditions under Influence of Economic Developments in Vietnam (29 November 2004, National Museum of Ethnology: Osaka) [in Japanese]

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