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Fabio Fava (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/0w7r-3n98
Citer cette ressource :
Fabio Fava. Agreenium. (2021, 20 avril). Territorial issues and challenges (Fabio Fava, University of Bologna) , in Les enjeux de la bioéconomie . [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 19 septembre 2024)

Territorial issues and challenges (Fabio Fava, University of Bologna)

Réalisation : 20 avril 2021 - Mise en ligne : 19 juillet 2021
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Bioeconomy is one of the core and enabling pillar of Italian economy. With EUR 330 billion of annual turnover and 2 Million of employees, it is the third Bioeconomy in Europe; the country is often second in terms of presence in the R&I projects funded by Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges 2 and BBI JU and the first one in terms of quality products in the food and bio-based product domains.
Bioeconomy is also contributing to the reduction of the Country dependence from fossil fuels and finite materials and the biodiversity loss and land use change; further, it is contributing to the environmental regeneration and the creation of new economic growth and jobs in the rural, coastal and abandoned industrial areas, leveraging on local specificities and traditions.

To further exploit the whole Bioeconomy potential of the Country, the Italian Government promoted the set up of a national Bioeconomy Strategy in 2017 (BIT) and, more recently, its update (BIT II). The objective was to interconnect more efficiently the main pillars composing the national Bioeconomy, namely the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into valuable food, feed, bio-basedproducts and bio-energy, along with the transformation and valorization ofbio-waste streams. Furthermore, BIT II aims at improving the coordination of Ministries and the 21 national Regions for the alignment of policies, regulations, R&I funding programmes and investments in infrastructures. Theoverall goal is a 15% increase of the current turnover and jobs of the Italian Bioeconomy by 2030 by implementing priority actions and an R&I agenda,which are accompanied by measures creating and guaranteeing the frameworkconditions. Due to the strategic geo-political role of Italy in the Mediterranean basin, BIT II also includes actions to improve sustainable productivity, social cohesion and greater political stability throughout the implementation of Bioeconomy in the area.


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