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20 JANVIER 2021 Avignon Université.
Using medical imaging methods in environmental sciences
- Denis COURTIER-MURIAS (Université Gustave Eiffel):
Introduction to NMR and MRI and applications in environmental samples
Denis’s research interest comes mainly from his MSc. and Ph. D. periods at University College London (2006-2010). My research there involved the application of solid-state NMR to understand collagen-water interaction.
His post-doctoral work at the University of Toronto (2010-2012) gave him the opportunity to work on the development of a new NMR probe termed comprehensive multiphase (CMP)-NMR (this probe posses the ability to study all phases between the liquid to solid states inclusive) in close collaboration with Environment Canada and Bruker BioSpin. In 2013 he joined IFSTTAR as a researcher and worked at the Laboratoire NAVIER. His project involved the development of magnetic resonance methodology for the study of contaminant transport in natural soils and building materials. He focused on the development of 19F MRI and NMR experiments to study soil contamination and 1H MRI to understand nanoparticles transport and adsorption in model porous media and soils. Moreover, he also applied NMR and MRI methods to understand a range of phenomena in wood sciences.
Currently (since 2019) he is working at the Water and Environment Laboratory, where he is utilizing analytical methods (in addition to NMR and MRI) to understand soil contamination.
Introduction to NMR and MRI and applications in environmental samples
This talk presents an overview of the potential and applications of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry methods in environmental research. This short portrait shows some examples of what can be done with these methods in environmental samples and which are the most used 1H MRI and NMR relaxometry experiments in this field. It draws attention to the potential of these techniques by focusing on two key environmental samples such as wood and soils. Before showing these examples, a brief description of basics of MRI and NMR relaxometry is introduced.
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