[COLLOQUE] WiOpt 2019 Workshop in Honour of Eitan Altman après-midi
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Colloque WiOpt 2019 June 03, 2019, Avignon, France
Workshop in Honour of Eitan Altman
We organize a one day workshop on Monday 3th of June 2019 in honour of Eitan Altman on the occasion of his 60th birthday. The workshop, standing lunch and coffee breaks will take place at Avignon University.
Eitan Altman will soon be turning 60, so it seems fitting to celebrate and honour his career with a one-day workshop devoted to performance evaluation and control of telecommunication networks, optimal control, and stochastic games. The host of this event is the University of Avignon. There will be invited talks from some of Eitan's collaborators, plus a selection of contributed talks. The fields covered by this workshop include performance analysis, protocol design, wireless communication, game theory, control, and optimization,
14:00 Konstantin Avrachenkov (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Mediterranee, France) 14:15 Alonso Silva (Safran, France) 14:30 Zwi Altman (Orange Labs, France) 14:45 Daniele Miorandi (U-Hopper, Italy) 15:00 Srinivas Shakkottai (Texas A&M University, USA) 15:45 Hisao Kameda (University of Tsukuba, Japan) 16:00 R. Srikant (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) 16:15 Bruno Gaujal (INRIA Grenoble, France)
Eitan Altman Speech
Avignon Université 3 juin 2019
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Colloque WiOpt 2019 June 03, 2019, Avignon, France Workshop in Honour of Eitan Altman We organize a one day workshop on Monday 3th of June 2019 in honour of Eitan Altman on the occasion of
[COLLOQUE] WiOpt 2019 Workshop in Honour of Eitan Altman matin partie 1
Colloque WiOpt 2019 June 03, 2019, Avignon, France Workshop in Honour of Eitan Altman We organize a one day workshop on Monday 3th of June 2019 in honour of Eitan Altman on the occasion of
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