Océans : biodiversité et ressources - Clip
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Clip de la 2ème semaine du MOOC UVED "Biodiversité"
Dans une deuxième semaine de cours, partez à la découverte de la biodiversité des océans, des récifs coralliens aux lagunes littorales. Cette biodiversité, dont la connaissance est encore partielle, fait aujourd'hui l'objet d'une grande attention de par son importance dans les grands équilibres de la biosphère, mais aussi de par les services qu'elle rend aux sociétés humaines, à commencer par la fourniture de ressources alimentaires. C'est dans ce cadre-là qu'est développée aujourd'hui l'approche écosystémique des pêches, visant à concilier ces différents enjeux de préservation. Pour vous parler de ces sujets, Philippe Cury (IRD) est accompagné de Sophie Bertrand (IRD), de Jean-Marc Fromentin (Ifremer), de Sylvain Bonhommeau (Ifremer), de Christian Chaboud (IRD), de Pierre Chavance (IRD), de Laurent Dagorn (IRD), d'Audrey Darnaude (CNRS), de Florence Galletti (IRD) et de David Mouillot (Université de Montpellier).
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Dans la même collection
EN-8. The ecosystemic approach to fisherie : how to reconcile preservation and exploitation of mari…
CuryPhilippePhilippe Cury presents the basis of the ecosystem approach to fisheries, which enables to maintain the biodiversity, the catches and the jobs. He comes back to the main steps which punctuated the
EN-9. Management of an emblematic species: the bluefin tuna
FromentinJean-MarcWith Jean-Marc Fromentin, we discover the bluefin tuna. It is fished since Antiquity, but it is subjected to strong pressure for almost three decades, which is responsible for a large decline of the
EN-10. International law of sea and marine resources: what are the current issues ?
GallettiFlorenceFlorence Galletti proposes an overview of the law of sea, and comes back to the main associated issues. She provides several essential definitions to understand this field, comes back to its great
EN-11. The economics of marine resources and biodiversity
ChaboudChristianChristian Chaboud presents some models and issues related to the economic approach of fisheries and marine resources. He especially comes back to the Gordon Schaefer model, and to the economic
EN-1. Observation of oceanic marine ecosystems
The marine environment is uneasy of access, so Pierre Chavance presents some current ways to better know the state of the marine biodiversity and resources. He focuses on the accompanying and
EN-6. Incidental catches and biodiversity: do the fishermen always catch the sought species ?
DagornLaurentLaurent Dagorn presents the problem of the incidental catches in fishery, that is, what is taken off from the marine environment, but which is not sought by the fishermen. He defines the terms of this
EN-4. Coastal lagoons: importance for the coastal productivity of oceans
DarnaudeAudreyAudrey Darnaude shows us the role and the importance of the lagoons for the functioning of the biodiversity. Thanks to examples in the Lion Gulf, she explains that the coastal productivity is closely
EN-7. Feeding people and birds: interactions between fishermen and marine predators
BertrandSophieSophie Bertrand presents the main forms of interaction between fishermen and birds as part of the practice of fishing: accidental catches, competition, or other unexpected effects. In order to limit
EN-2. Marine connectivity and impact on marine biodiversity
BonhommeauSylvainSylvain Bonhommeau highlights the movements of many animal populations of the oceans throughout their life cycle, and so he shows the issue of the marine connectivity. The species and their movements
EN-5. Overfishing and the impacts on biodiversity and on the functioning of ecosystems
CuryPhilippePhilippe Cury explains how the overfishing affects the marine food webs, and he highlights some ecological consequences of this practice, like the jellyfishes proliferation or the disappearance of the
Oceans: introduction to biodiversity and resources
In this second part, discover the biodiversity of the oceans, from the coral reefs to the coastal lagoons. This biodiversity, of which the knowledge is still partial, is the subject of great
EN-3. Environment complexity and productivity of the coral reefs
MouillotDavidDavid Mouillot proposes an analysis of the coral reefs in terms of biodiversity and productivity. He tries to explain the importance of the coral environments for the development of wide food webs,
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