Religious territorialisation and the negotiation of urban margins in a fragmented city: Protestant churches in the Paris region : "March for Jesus".
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At the conference: Religion and the Global City (11 September 2015), organized by the university of Kent, Yannick Fer and Gwendoline Malogne-Fer, both from the GSRL, presented a paper on :
“Religious territorialisation and the negotiation of urban margins in a fragmented city: Protestant churches in the Paris region”.
Drawing on fieldwork research conducted in 2012-2013 in the frame of a GSRL research program “Paris 2030” on Protestantism and diversity in Paris (funded by the Paris City Hall), they focused on the strategies different Protestant actors develop in order to appropriate the most visible and centrally located public spaces.
They particularly related to two Protestant events in Paris: the March for Jesus, organised in May 2015 by Evangelical networks and the Protestants en fête rally organised in September 2013 by the French Protestant federation.
During the communication, they showed this 10-minute video on the 2015 March for Jesus, realised by Gwendoline Malogne-Fer.
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