Lieu de réalisation
CERCEC / EHESS Condorcet
Langue :
Serge Blérald (Réalisation), Ìrina Sklokìna (Intervention)
Crédit image : Bl
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Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales
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DOI : 10.60527/b939-p280
Citer cette ressource :
Ìrina Sklokìna. EHESS. (2024, 21 mars). Interview with Iryna SKLOKINA , in Chercheurs invités. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/b939-p280. (Consultée le 24 octobre 2024)

Interview with Iryna SKLOKINA

Réalisation : 21 mars 2024 - Mise en ligne : 24 juin 2024
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Iryna Sklokina, Historian, Ph.D., researcher at the Center for Urban History, Lviv, Ukraine

 1)   -  During your career, you have reconfigured your research from soviet policy of memory in Ukrainian-Russian borderland to social provision for working-class women in the Galician (Polish-Ukrainian) borderland. Could you please retrace this evolution?

2)    - You have co-authored a book and an corresponding exhibition on “Labor, Exhaustion, and Success: Company Towns of Donbas”. What is this project about?

3)    - What kind of challenges Ukrainian historians are facing know in times of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine ?


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