2 - PublicDemoS Public Space Democracy
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Public space is the place for assembly, the hub of democracy as well as the manifestation of power and (dis)empowerment of persons. PublicDemoS Project explores the ways in which new forms of public agency extend politics to everyday life experiences by avenues of artistic expressions and aesthetic forms. The core aim of this project is to understand new politics of performative citizenship and public (un)making in multicultural settings.
Project Directed by Nilüfer Göle
EHESS/NOMIS Foundation
International Study Group on Norm Conflicts and Art Forms in (Un)Making of Publics
Meeting 24th of March 2017
Public sphere has been conceptualized as a discursive realm,enlightened sphere of ideas, opinions and rational debate in a nationalcontext. In the contemporary era, cultural heterogeneity and globalconnections challenge the unity of national communities and its norms.Art participates to the agonistic dimension of the public sphere,challenges dominant norms and becomes part of controversies. Visualculture mobilizes affects, accelerates (mis)communications across thenational boundaries in the construction of multicultural settings. Can artand aesthetic forms help to open up the emancipatory potential of thepublic sphere by exploring the ways in which plurality of perspectivescan emerge in the contemporary societies?
Interviews :
1. Peter Ronald deSouza, professor at the Center for the Studyof Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi
"You are aprofessor at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies in Delhi and youare working on the painter MF Husain known as Indian Picasso. You are tellingthe story of the transformation from a celebrated artist to a national villain.Does this indicate that cultural pluralism in public life is in danger inIndia?"
2. Judit Carrera, director of the European Prize for Urban Space
(,organized by the Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona
(CCCB)and head of the debates and conferences program of CCCB
3. SarahDornhof, postdoctoral fellow at Freie Universitat Berlin
"You presented a paper on the monumentinstallation of Manaf Halbouni in Dresden as a way of reminding Syrian war. Isart a way of producing public memory?"
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7- PublicDemoS Public, Space, Democracy
Public space is the place for assembly, the hub of democracy as well as the manifestation of power and (dis)empowerment of persons.
8- PublicDemoS Public Space Democracy
Public space is the place for assembly, the hub of democracy as well as the manifestation of power and (dis)empowerment of persons.
5 - PublicDemoS Public Space Democracy
Une journée d’étude internationale du projet PublicDemoS (Public Space Democracy) intitulée « international study group on spatial dimensions of public memory » a eu lieu à l’EHESS le vendredi 2 mars
6 - PublicDemoS Public Space Democracy
Une journée d’étude internationale du projet PublicDemoS (Public Space Democracy) intitulée « Artistic Expressions and Aesthetic Styles in Public Space » a eu lieu à l’EHESS le vendredi 18 mai 2018.
4 - PublicDemoS Public Space Democracy
International Study Group on Norm Conflicts and Art Forms in the (Un)Making of Publics
3 - PublicDemoS Public Space Democracy
Public space is the place for assembly, the hub of democracy as well as the manifestation of power and (dis)empowerment of persons. PublicDemoS Project explores the ways in which new forms of public
1 - PublicDemoS New Forms of Public Agency
Public space is the place for assembly, the hub of democracy as well as the manifestation of power and (dis)empowerment of persons. PublicDemoS Project explores the ways in which new forms of
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