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©Direction de l'Image et de l'Audiovisuel / EHESS / 2017
DOI : 10.60527/kyj6-sw98
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EHESS. (2017, 19 mai). 3 - PublicDemoS Public Space Democracy , in PublicDemos. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/kyj6-sw98. (Consultée le 12 février 2025)

3 - PublicDemoS Public Space Democracy

Réalisation : 19 mai 2017 - Mise en ligne : 27 juin 2017
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Public space is the place for assembly, the hub of democracy as well as the manifestation of power and (dis)empowerment of persons. PublicDemoS Project explores the ways in which new forms of public agency extend politics to everyday life experiences by avenues of artistic expressions and aesthetic forms. The core aim of this project is to understand new politics of performative citizenship and public (un)making in multicultural settings.

Project Directed by Nilüfer Göle

EHESS/NOMIS Foundation

International Study Group onNew Forms of Public Agency

Meeting 19th of May 2017

New forms of public agency carried by persons and in collectivity bringforth the everyday life politics, the phenomenological dimensions ofpolitics. Citizens acting together and enacting in public, manifestcollectively their presence, are resetting democratic agendas andquestioning pre-established social contracts. The traditional Public Squareor Maïdan becomes the hub of urban democratic imaginaries as actorsfrom different horizons and array of groups occupy the place and turn itinto a theatrical scene. Public space democracy emerges on its ownpolitical terms, in distinction from avenues of parties and voting. Newforms of public agency in relation to social movements, but also indifference from political collective action and intrinsically related to theperson and to the subjective realm will be examined. 

Interviews :

- ElinaKourempana (doctorante, EHESS-CESPRA)- JeanPhilippe Béja (directeur de recherche émérite, CNRS, CERI-Science-Po)- Sebastian Veg (directeur d’études, EHESS)- BuketTürkmen  (maître de conférences,l’Université Galatasaray, Istanbul)





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