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EMMA. (2024, 18 octobre). “A sociolinguistic case study on the Pronoun Declarers of Reddit”, Carlos Hartmann, Universität Zürich, Switzerland , in What are your pronouns and why does it matter?. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 3 décembre 2024)

“A sociolinguistic case study on the Pronoun Declarers of Reddit”, Carlos Hartmann, Universität Zürich, Switzerland

Réalisation : 18 octobre 2024 - Mise en ligne : 6 novembre 2024
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Although the use of gender-inclusive language such as specific singular they (i.e. they in reference to a specific antecedent of known gender) has been linked to first-hand knowledge of gender-nonconforming identities (Bjorkman 2017: 3; Conrod 2019: 141), the topic still awaits thorough sociolinguistic analysis. It seems likely that the rise in specific singular they is a change from above (e.g. Conrod 2019: 101), meaning “the importation of elements from other systems” (Labov 2007: 346) such as from one speaker community to the rest. It seems furthermore plausible that people who declare their pronouns are a part of this ongoing change. For this study, I extracted and analyzed Reddit comments featuring pronoun declarations within their user flairs, the optional descriptors displayed alongside usernames. The goal was to identify a correlation between pronoun declarations and use of gender-inclusive language. To measure the latter, simple metrics such as the usage rate of morphologically-singular themself as opposed to themselves (cf. Conrod, Schultz & Byron 2022) were employed. Preliminary results suggest a significantly higher rate of gender-inclusive language among pronoun declarers than among their non-declaring counterparts, marking a step towards understanding the sociolinguistics of gender-inclusive language. My results are contextualized with a series of accompanying statistics and qualitative commentary that shed light on who is declaring their pronouns in what way and to what purpose on Reddit.

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