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La forge numérique. (2022, 21 octobre). Narrative ethics and character in the representation of the past in contemporary English-speaking fiction. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 27 juillet 2024)

Narrative ethics and character in the representation of the past in contemporary English-speaking fiction

Réalisation : 21 octobre 2022 - Mise en ligne : 31 octobre 2022
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Jo Baker was our guest at the conference “Narrative ethics and character in the representation of the past in contemporary English-speaking fiction” that took place on October 21st and 22nd, 2022. The first day ended with a reading from two of Jo Baker's novels and a questions-and-answers session.

In the course of this hour-long conversation, Jo Baker evoked her different impulses for writing Longbourn and A Country Road, a Tree and how literary questions blend with a creative impulse. She talked about the “anxiety of influence” and cultural weight of Jane Austen and Samuel Becket. The novelist compared writing historical fiction and writing about contemporary times as in her campus noir A Body Lies, notably in terms of research and language. She also talked about her use of the present tense in historical novels such as A Country Road, a Tree and in her forthcoming The Midnight News.

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