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Université de Bordeaux - Service Audiovisuel et Multimédia (Production), Université de Bordeaux - Service Audiovisuel et Multimédia (Publication), Université de Bordeaux - Service Audiovisuel et Multimédia (Réalisation), Ken Gemes (Intervention), Andreas Bikfalvi (Intervention)
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Creative Commons (BY NC)
DOI : 10.60527/hz99-sj96
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Ken Gemes, Andreas Bikfalvi. Univ Bordeaux. (2015, 6 octobre). Nietzsche's notion of Health , in Philosophie et Biologie. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 7 mars 2025)

Nietzsche's notion of Health

Réalisation : 6 octobre 2015 - Mise en ligne : 20 octobre 2015
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
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It is widely known that Nietzsche take himself to present a tremendous challenge to conventional morality.  Many of his interpreters have been exorcised in trying to make precise the nature of that challenge.  Here the attention has focused largely on the question of how his genealogical accounts of morality amount to a genuine challenge, rather than an instance of the genetic fallacy.  Less attention has been paid to Nietzsche’s claim that morality involves a kind of pathology.  This talk aims to expose some of the bases of Nietzsche’s idea  about health and how they relate to his attacks upon morality and how they connect with his own positive values.  Beyond Nietzsche scholarship this project aims to show us perspectives from which we might question are own accounts of health and values, both individual and social.


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