- >> Introcing Ken Gemes, by Andreas Bikfalvi02'09"
- >> Introduction00'20"
- Caveats04'05"
- Aims of the talk00'58"
- The Rhetoric of Degeneration03'20"
- Darwin on Degeneration01'43"
- Degeneration : a manichean world view01'46"
- Nietzsche use the Rethoric of Degeneration03'41"
- Health as Disharmony02'49"
- Christianity as Pathology03'07"
- The Integration model of Health01'08"
- Integration through Sublimation01'22"
- Two case studies03'48"
- The point of sublimation : happiness as pleasure, contentedness01'21"
- The point of sublimation : happiness as eudemonia02'12"
- Nietzsche's negative appraisal of the extreme valorisation of compassion01'55"
- Conclusion01'13"
- Genealogy and value to the will to truth and the need for existential meaning02'43"
- >> Andreas Bikfalvi : Nietzsche's health04'06"
- Aristocratic biologism - Relation to degeneration theory00'35"
- Anti-darwinian posture01'44"
- The body as a war zone02'37"
- Relation Biology / Health and Ethics00'42"
- Nietzsche versus Russell03'44"
- Nietzsche and Faschism / Nazism02'30"
- Discussion02'14"
- - Pathology of changing, of movement ?02'53"
- - The great Health ?02'12"
- - Elimination of suffering02'15"
- - Nietzsche and curing 03'24"
- - Sublimation, self-overcoming...04'17"
- - What can we take from Nietzsche ?05'41"
Nietzsche's notion of Health
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It is widely known that Nietzsche take himself to present a tremendous challenge to conventional morality. Many of his interpreters have been exorcised in trying to make precise the nature of that challenge. Here the attention has focused largely on the question of how his genealogical accounts of morality amount to a genuine challenge, rather than an instance of the genetic fallacy. Less attention has been paid to Nietzsche’s claim that morality involves a kind of pathology. This talk aims to expose some of the bases of Nietzsche’s idea about health and how they relate to his attacks upon morality and how they connect with his own positive values. Beyond Nietzsche scholarship this project aims to show us perspectives from which we might question are own accounts of health and values, both individual and social.
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