Xu, Binyan (1964-....)
Binyan Xu received her PhD in Mathematics Education at the University of Osnabrueck in Germany. Currently, she is a Professor of Mathematics Education at the East China Normal University. Her research interests focus on the students’ mathematics core competences assessment and collective work with teachers to design mathematical projects to improve students’ engagement in mathematics activities in classroom (Xu & Zhu, 2015; Pepin, Xu, Trouche & Wang, 2017). She is a key member for developing mathematics textbooks and teaching materials in Shanghai (Xu, 2013). Now she is the cochair of Local Organizing Committee of the 14th International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME 14) in 2020 in Shanghai. Since 2017, she is the EC member of the International Commission of Mathematical Instruction.
Pepin, B., Xu, B., Trouche, L. & Wang, C. (2017). Developing a deeper understanding of mathematics teaching expertise: an examination of three Chinese mathematics teachers’resource systems as windows into their work and expertise. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 94(3), 257-274
Xu, B., & Zhu, G. (2015). Chinese project-based classroom practices: Promoting students’ engagement in mathematical activities. In L. Fan, N.-Y. Wong, J. Cai & S. Li. How Chinese teach mathematics. Perspectives from insiders (pp. 337-372). World Scientific.
Xu, B. (2013). The development of school mathematics textbooks in China since 1950. ZDM Mathematics Education, 45, 725-736.
Binyan Xu a obtenu son doctorat à l’université d’Osnabrück en Allemagne. Elle est actuellement professeur en éducation mathématique à l’ECNU (East China Normal University). Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur l’évaluation des compétences mathématiques du socle commun, sur le travail collectif des enseignants pour soutenir des projets mathématiques stimulant l’engagement des élèves dans la classe. Elle a une place centrale pour le développement de manuels scolaires et de matériels didactiques à Shanghai. Elle est la co-présidente du comité local d’organisation du 14ème congrès international sur l’éducation mathématique (ICME 14) qui se tiendra en 2020 à Shanghai. Depuis 2017, elle est membre de la Commission Internationale pour l’Enseignement des Mathématiques.
Pepin, B., Xu, B., Trouche, L. & Wang, C. (2017). Developing a deeper understanding of mathematics teaching expertise: an examination of three Chinese mathematics teachers’resource systems as windows into their work and expertise. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 94(3), 257-274
Xu, B., & Zhu, G. (2015). Chinese project-based classroom practices: Promoting students’ engagement in mathematical activities. In L. Fan, N.-Y. Wong, J. Cai & S. Li. How Chinese teach mathematics. Perspectives from insiders (pp. 337-372). World Scientific.
Xu, B. (2013). The development of school mathematics textbooks in China since 1950. ZDM Mathematics Education, 45, 725-736.
Teachers collective work inside and outside school as an essential spring of mathematics teachers' …
In this lecture, we try to show how teachers’ collective work promotes documentational works on the resources including teaching material, lesson plan, textbooks, etc. for developing, communicating,
Mathematics Teachers as Designers
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