Zannad, Faiez (1951-....)
Titulaire du Doctorat en Biologie humaine. Pharmacologie. Pharmacologie cardiovasculaire et rénale (Lyon 1, 1986)
ZANNAD Faiez, Nancy, FRA<br>Faiez Zannad, MD, PhD is Professor of Therapeutics at the Medical Faculty of the Henri Poincaré University of Nancy. He obtained his MD as a Cardiology specialist in 1979 from the Faculté de Médecine de Nancy. In 1981 he served as a Research Fellow at the Clinical Pharmacology Medical Research Unit of Oxford University,
UK and in 1986 he obtained his PhD in cardiovascular clinical pharmacology at the University of Lyon. He is currently Head of the Division of Heart Failure, Hypertension and Preventive Cardiology/ department of Cardiovascular
Disease of the academic hospital of Nancy, and Director of the Clinical Investigation Center (CIC), mutually funded by the academic hospital and the INSERM and of a research group at an INSERM Unit (U961, Cardiac Fibrosis, Stiffness and cardiovascular risk) at the Faculté de Médecine. He is national coordinator of the network of 15 Clinical Investigation Centres working in the cardiovascular field in
France. He is coordinating a Joint Research Program on transition from Hypertension to Heart Failure, in the 6th FP EU funded Network Excellence “InGeniousHyperCare”.
He conducts his research, in the area of physiopathology and pharmacotherapeutics of hypertension and heart failure.
Dr Zannad is Past Chairman of the Board of the French Society of Hypertension, Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Chairman of the ESC Working group on pharmacology and drug therapy as well as Board member of the ESC Heart Failure Association. He is currently Co- Editor in chief of Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, the official journal of the European Federation of Pharmacological Societies (EPHAR) and a member of the Editorial boards of a number of journals in the field of Cardiology, Hypertension and Cardiovascular Pharmacology. He has contributed more than 300 scientific publications and published several books on cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and on Heart Failure.
He is chairman and organizer of several international meetings: “CardioVascular Clinical Trialists (CVCT) Forum and Workshop” (Cannes and Paris, with Bertram Pitt and Desmond Julian); “Acute Heart Failure Syndromes” (Cannes and Chicago, with Mihai Gheoghiade) and “Biomarkers in Heart Failure” (Cannes, with Kirkwood Adams). Dr. Zannad is involved in a number of major cardiovascular clinical trials, as a Principal Investigator and/or as a chair or member of several Steering Committees, Critical Event Committees and Data Safety and Monitoring Boards. : Executive Steering committee member: CIBIS 11, RALES VALIANT, RECOVER, MOXCON, EPHESUS,, EVEREST, AURORA, EXAMINE, ASTRONAUT, AXIOM-ACS, SERVEHF, HF-ACTION; NECTAR-HF, PEARL-HF, ALBATROSS, REMINDRE, FOSIDIAL (Chairman), EMPHASIS-HF (Chairman) Steering Committee membership: APSI, FIRST, CIBIS I, ASCEND-HF, CAPRICORN, Critical Event Committee: CAPRICORN, RESPECT, SCOUT, EchoCRT
Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists (CVCT) Forum – Paris 2012 - Workshop 1 : New indications: Is hear…
Semaine Médicale de Lorraine Nancy 2012 – Hypertension artérielle. Quelle prise en charge ?
T0403-06 Titre : Semaine Médicale de Lorraine Nancy 2012 – Hypertension artérielle. Quelle prise en charge ? Intervenant (e)(s) : Faiez ZANNAD (service de Cardiologie – CHU Nancy Brabois) Résumé :
Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists (CVCT) Forum – Paris 2012 : Omics research and system biology. Ke…
How future trials may help optimizing benefit-to-risk ratio. The role of specialist scientific organizations. ISCP: Speaker: Felipe MARTINEZ, Cordoba, ARG CVCT: Speaker: Faiez ZANNAD, Nancy, FRA ESC
Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists (CVCT) Forum – Paris 2012 : Autonomic modulation therapy for hear…
Title : Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists (CVCT) Forum – Paris 2012 : Autonomic modulation therapy for heart failure: Preclinical data and ongoing trials Speaker: Faiez ZANNAD, Nancy, FRA Discussant:
Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists (CVCT) Forum – Paris 2012 : Impact of major clinical trials on ES…
Title : Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists (CVCT) Forum – Paris 2012 : Impact of major clinical trials on ESC Chronic Heart Failure 2012 guidelines. Game changer trials: EMPHASIS-HF, SHIFT, Devices…
Forum Sante : Vers un coeur immortel
Forum Santé : Vers un coeur immortel ?
Semaine de la Recherche Thérapeutique 26-03-09 Faïez ZANNAD
Semaine de la Recherche Thérapeutique, Faëz ZANNAD, Diabète, Cholestérol, Obésité
Semaine de la recherche thérapeutique - Faïez ZANNAD
Conférence de Faïez ZANNAD pour le Débat Décideur
10ème colloque de biologie prospective-Epaisseur Intima-Média
Le complexe entre l'intima et la média est l'endroit ou se développe l'artéro-sclérose . L'épaisseur intima-media se produit plus tardivement chez les femmes que chez les hommes . Les facteurs de