Exploring the molecular diversity of grape, a source of natural ingredients

Mise en ligne : 03 décembre 2020
DOI : 10.60527/5fy6-e035
URL pérenne : https://doi.org/10.60527/5fy6-e035
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Grapevines and their byproducts produce a broad range of specialized metabolites, including flavonoid- and stilbenoid-type compounds, that exhibit diverse biological activities highly sought by biomass-based industries. Among the large molecular diversity present in grape, only few lead molecules are exploited. This is the case for resveratrol; currently exploited as food supplements and cosmetics ingredient for its anti-aging properties and for oligomeric pro-anthocyanidins (OPCs) that are used for several health purposes including the prevention of cardiac and Alzheimer diseases. Beyond these two well-known lead molecules, grapevine is a natural source for a myriad of other biomass-derived molecules that remains underexplored. The objective of the present workshop is to build-up a transversal platform for the development of novel grape biomass-derived chemicals with outputs in pharmacy, cosmetics and sustainable agriculture. Several aspects will be covered in a top-down approach such as impact of climate change on phytochemicals, green extraction technologies, comprehensive analytical tools and biological activities.

Read more : http://www.lestudium-ias.com/event/exploring-molecular-diversity-grape-source-natural-ingredients

