

Marek Paryz (University of Warsaw), “Unwanted Salvation: The Use of the Savior Formula in Andreas Prochaska’s The Dark Valley (2014)”

Marek Paryz (University of Warsaw), “Unwanted Salvation: The Use of the Savior Formula in Andreas P…

The Austrian film The Dark Valley (dir. Andreas Prochaska, 2014) provides a unique attestation to the applicability of the convention of the Western for problematizing context-specific social and

Fareed Ben-Youssef (NYU Shanghai), “'Just Make Me Look Good’: The Duel Against Mythic Representation in the Transnational Western Films of Chloé Zhao”

Fareed Ben-Youssef (NYU Shanghai), “'Just Make Me Look Good’: The Duel Against Mythic Representatio…

Chinese filmmaker Chloé Zhao has established herself as a foremost chronicler of the experience of Native American youth. Her Westerns—"Songs My Brother Taught Me" (2015) and "The Rider" (2017)

Hadrien Fontanaud (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3), •	“Lawrence of Arabia (Lean, 1962): Reframing Imperialism and the Poetics of the Desert”

Hadrien Fontanaud (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3), • “Lawrence of Arabia (Lean, 1962): Refra…

Filmed in 1962, Lawrence of Arabia offers a critical look on British imperialism. Yet this British and American co-production draws on the Empire films of the 1930’s: it focuses on one of the

Jesus Angel Gonzalez Lopez (Universidad de Cantabria, Santander), "Transnational Post-Westerns in French Cinema: Adieu Gary and Les Cowboys"

Jesus Angel Gonzalez Lopez (Universidad de Cantabria, Santander), "Transnational Post-Westerns in F…

The concept of transnational post-Westerns stems from Neil Campbell’s definition of post-Westerns as films “coming after and going beyond the traditional Western [genre] while engaging with and

Samira Nadkarni (Independent Scholar), "Chhattisgarh as India’s Frontier: Reading Masurkar’s Newton (2017) as Postcolonial Western"

Samira Nadkarni (Independent Scholar), "Chhattisgarh as India’s Frontier: Reading Masurkar’s Newton…

Amit V. Masurkar’s 2017 film, Newton is simultaneously a satire and reconfirmation of the myths of democratic nationhood, exploring a postcolonial narrative of internal colonisation in the creation

Seung-Hwan Shin (University of Pittsburgh), "North by West: The Manchurian Western and Minoritarian Cinema"

Seung-Hwan Shin (University of Pittsburgh), "North by West: The Manchurian Western and Minoritarian…

Reflecting on the Western’s development after WWII, André Bazin noted, “Its roots continue to spread under the Hollywood humus and…robust suckers spring up in the midst of the seductive but sterile

XXXIIIe Conférences Marc Bloch, Frederick Cooper : "Empire, nation et citoyenneté : la France et l’Afrique"

XXXIIIe Conférences Marc Bloch, Frederick Cooper : "Empire, nation et citoyenneté : la France et l’…


Chaque année depuis 1979, l’EHESS invite au mois de juin une personnalité étrangère ou française à prononcer une conférence qui rassemble, dans le grand amphithéâtre de la Sorbonne, les personnels

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