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Direction de l'Image et de l'Audiovisuel/CESPRA/EHESS/2018
DOI : 10.60527/d8m1-xt28
Citer cette ressource :
EHESS. (2018, 2 mars). 5 - PublicDemoS Public Space Democracy , in PublicDemos. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/d8m1-xt28. (Consultée le 21 septembre 2024)

5 - PublicDemoS Public Space Democracy

Réalisation : 2 mars 2018 - Mise en ligne : 8 juin 2018
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Une journée d’étude internationale du projet PublicDemoS (Public Space Democracy) intitulée « international study group on spatial dimensions of public memory » a eu lieu à l’EHESS le vendredi 2 mars 2018.


Public space is the place for assembly of people, empowerment of persons. It is the hub of democracy as well as the manifestation of state power. PublicDemoS Project explores the ways in which new forms of public agency extends politics to everyday life experiences, opening up avenues of artistic expressions and aesthetic forms. The core aim of this project is to renew democratic agendas by politics of performative citizenship and public making in multicultural settings.

Public Memory Study Group 2ndof March 2018

Interview Questions

- Lynda Zein, Architect, lecturer at Arship Prague 

 You presented a paper on destruction and reconstruction of the city of Homs in Syria. Can you explain how architecture becomes an instrument for shaping the collective memory ?

 - Mechtild Wildrich, Assistant Professor in the Art History, Theory and Criticism Department at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago

 How the term « site-specifity » helps us to rethink artistic interventions in the public sphere ? Can you give examples ? 

 - Nazlı Temir, Research assistant in the project « Economic History and Patrimony of Inegalities in France » of  Paris School of Economy and California Institute of Technology

In your presentation you mentioned an exhibition that opened up a discussion on Armenian memory. How the plurality of memories are mobilized in public sphere through art?




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