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DOI : 10.60527/c7bv-1m85
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LESTUDIUM. (2021, 21 janvier). Dr Avril Horne - Participatory environmental flows assessments , in Managing riverscapes and flow regimes for biocultural diversity. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 18 septembre 2024)

Dr Avril Horne - Participatory environmental flows assessments

Réalisation : 21 janvier 2021 - Mise en ligne : 11 février 2021
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Several of thekey challenges to implementing environmental flows are related to the socialand political context of environmental flows projects. These include communityacceptance and buy in, political will and legislation, as well as effectivestakeholder engagement.  Despite this, inmany countries there remains a delineation between environmental and socialoutcomes, and the process to determine environmental flows requirements remainsa predominantly technocratic approach placing a large emphasis on scientificunderstandings of rivers.

 Using theGoulburn River, Victoria, Australia as a case study, this presentation willdiscuss the design of a participatory approach to bring together scientists,community and government in an environmental flows assessment.  There were benefits in the legitimacy forenvironmental flows in the river, but also significant changes in the scope andobjectives for the flows.  However, theproject also highlighted some notable challenges for this approach, includingthe legislative definition of environmental flows, the mandated timelines, andthe perception of the science community in their role.

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