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DOI : 10.60527/hm6g-s216
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LESTUDIUM. (2021, 20 janvier). Prof. Angela Arthington - Progress with environmental flows to maintain healthy rivers and healthy societies , in Managing riverscapes and flow regimes for biocultural diversity. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 19 septembre 2024)

Prof. Angela Arthington - Progress with environmental flows to maintain healthy rivers and healthy societies

Réalisation : 20 janvier 2021 - Mise en ligne : 8 février 2021
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The science and practical applications of environmentalflows (e-flows) have advanced rapidly since the early 1980s. E-flows serve as ameans to protect the flow regimes and ecosystems of undeveloped rivers, andconversely, as a means to restore the flow regimes and ecological health ofregulated rivers. From simple beginnings in the form of ‘minimum flows’ toensure adequate aquatic habitat for fish, the e-flows concept has expanded toembrace the water requirements of rivers and other aquatic habitats asecosystems. “Holistic” ecosystem methods aim to devise a flow regime that willmaintain habitat, dispersal and reproductive requirements of multiple taxa, andecological processes, from river reach to basin scale, and more recently, tomultiple basins at regional scale (e.g. the ELOHA framework). The presentationwill describe recent efforts to promote e-flows for rivers as vital to humanlivelihoods and well-being, globally. I will briefly describe ‘The Brisbane Declaration and Global ActionAgenda on Environmental Flows (2018)’ [], arenewed call for concerted action to achieve beneficial outcomes fromenvironmental flows and wise freshwater management for people, biodiversity andecosystems. I will show how this Declaration is being received globally, and whois using it (e.g. FAO, WWF, IUCN) in recent policy developments (e.g. SDGs, Post-2020Global Biodiversity Framework).


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