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DOI : 10.60527/x46t-ha82
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LESTUDIUM. (2020, 19 novembre). Panel 6: the capitalism's war on human lives , in What are our lives worth to a neoliberal government? Capitalism, War and Biopolitics in the Pandemic Era. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 19 septembre 2024)

Panel 6: the capitalism's war on human lives

Réalisation : 19 novembre 2020 - Mise en ligne : 27 novembre 2020
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Moderator: Prof. Nathalie Champroux (Cultural and Discursive Interactions (ICD) / University of Tours - FR) & Dr Jean-François Deluchey (Cultural and Discursive Interactions (ICD) / University of Tours - FR & Federal University of Pará - BR)

Prof. Silvia Federici (Hofstra University - USA) - Capitalism's War on Women and Reproduction 

For Silvia Federici, the various forms assumed by neoliberal capitalist globalization compose a frontalattack on the reproductive labor force and the power of women. These are the same forces that areexpressed in the violence against women, in the enclosures and privatizations of peasant lands, in theactions of the World Bank, in the destruction of forests and community life, as well as in the loss ofthe rights and guarantees of workers in urban centers. It is this war of capitalism against women andreproduction that Silvia Federici proposes to discuss in her conference.

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