3. Origines de la vie : le contexte
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Marie-Christine Maurel explore les origines de la vie sur terre. Elle met en évidence les conditions qui prévalaient il y a plus de 3 milliards d'années, ainsi que l'émergence des premières formes de vie ayant donné naissance par la suite à l'arbre du vivant.
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EN-11. Nature and progress
GouyonPierre-HenriPierre-Henri Gouyon relies on an example - Dedale - to show the effects and the risks of a progress understanding which is only based on the technology.
EN-2. Biodiversity: state or dynamics ?
GouyonPierre-HenriPierre-Henri Gouyon proposes a definition of the biodiversity. He relies on the diagram that Darwin published in 1859, in The Origin of Species. He insists on the dynamic balances of this biodiversity
EN-10. Why should we worry about biodiversity ?
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EN-5. The history of biodiversity
BoeufGillesGilles Boeuf comes back to the main stages of the history of life. He begins with the oceans, where life appeared over 3,5 billion years ago, mentions the lands conquest, and ends with the appearance
Definition and lesson learned from the past crisis
BoeufGillesIn this first part, discover what are the biodiversity, its origins 3,8 billion years ago, and its evolution mechanisms, especially the extinction crisis of the main species. You will better
EN-8. Current state of the planet and of the biodiversity
BoeufGillesGilles Boeuf reports the erosion of biodiversity and presents the four main factors which can be associated to this dynamics: destruction and pollution, resources overexploitation, species
EN-3. Origins of life: the context
MaurelMarie-ChristineMarie-Christine Maurel explores the origins of life on earth. She highlights the main conditions 3 billion years ago, as well as the emergence of the first forms of life, which gave birth to the tree
EN-6. The main crisis of biodiversity
DavidBrunoBruno David comes back to the main biodiversity crisis. He takes an inventory of the crisis for hundreds of million years and he discusses their potential factors of origin : oxygenation of the marine
EN-1. Definition of biodiversity
BoeufGillesGilles Boeuf proposes a definition of the biodiversity, this "living fraction of the nature in all its complexity". He relies on many examples, pictures, samples, and always points out the strong
EN-9. Biodiversity: perception and uses
GouyonPierre-HenriPierre-Henri Gouyon comes back to different looks taken at nature and biodiversity during the last centuries. He insists on the fact that this biodiversity can't be reduced to a frozen group of
EN-4. Origins of life
MaurelMarie-ChristineMarie-Christine Maurel comes back to the formation of the first living cells on the earth surface, relying on several great experiments. The she presents the extent of questionings which still remain,
EN-7. Records of the biodiversity crisis
DavidBrunoBruno David comes back to the main biodiversity crisis. He focuses on 2 aspects : the crisis recording and the exit from the crisis. Firstly, he explains that, contrary to what can be supposed, there
Avec les mêmes intervenants et intervenantes
EN-3. Origins of life: the context
MaurelMarie-ChristineMarie-Christine Maurel explores the origins of life on earth. She highlights the main conditions 3 billion years ago, as well as the emergence of the first forms of life, which gave birth to the tree
EN-4. Origins of life
MaurelMarie-ChristineMarie-Christine Maurel comes back to the formation of the first living cells on the earth surface, relying on several great experiments. The she presents the extent of questionings which still remain,
4. Les origines du vivant
MaurelMarie-ChristineMarie-Christine Maurel revient sur la formation des premières cellules vivantes à la surface de la terre. Elle s'appuie sur plusieurs grandes expériences qui, depuis un siècle, permettent de
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