Lieu de réalisation
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme 54, Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris
Langue :
Camille BONNEMAZOU (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), Harri Veivo (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/e7nn-vr71
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Harri Veivo. FMSH. (2006, 19 juillet). La littérature urbaine , in VEIVO Harry. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/e7nn-vr71. (Consultée le 11 octobre 2024)

La littérature urbaine

Réalisation : 19 juillet 2006 - Mise en ligne : 3 février 2010
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Lors de cet entretien, Harri Veivo aborde les grands thèmes de société contemporains à travers un choix de textes en rapport avec : la crise de la ville, les problèmes d'intégration, le communautarisme, la marginalité.
Mais Harry Veivo ne limite pas ce champ littéraire au simple domaine de l'exclusion sociale et évoque de nombreux écrits en prise sur la ville, au ton et à la forme très variés.

Harri Veivo est professeur de sémiotique à l'université de Helsinki (Finlande) ainsi que le coordinateur de l'Université finlandaise de réseau de sémiotique (the Finnish Network University of Semiotics). Son travail de recherche est consacré à la sémiotique littéraire ainsi qu'à la littérature urbaine française de la seconde moitié du 20ème siècle jusqu'à nos jours.


"Thirdness and Legisign: A Peircean View on Conventionality in Literature". Recherches sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry vol. 24, 1-2-3/2004, pp. 177-196.

"Strange Things on the Edge of the City: Writing Strategies in Contemporary French Suburban Literature". Semiotica 150-1/4, 2004, pp. 283-305.

"Comment être là? Poétique de distance, poétique de contact et les possibilités de partage dans la littérature (péri)urbaine contemporaine". Textuel no 44, 2004, pp. 253-265.

"Sémiotique existentielle - une nouvelle approche aux signes et à la signification". Degrés 116, hiver 2003, pp. d1-d8.

"New Literary Semiotics". Forthcoming in Semiotica.


"Modelling, Theorising and Interpretation in Cognitive Literary Studies". Co-authored with Tarja Knuuttila. In Cognition and Literary Interpretation in Practice. Harri Veivo, Bo Pettersson and Merja Polvinen (eds.). Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2005, pp. 283-305.

"Avant-garde à deux vitesses : Dada et les littératures de la Finlande". Co-authored with Janna Kantola. In Dada circuit total. Henri Béhar and Catherine Dufour (eds.). Paris: L'Age d'homme, 2005, pp. 349-359.

"Art de la guerre: Représentation de la marginalité urbaine dans La Clôture de Jean Rolin et Loin de forêts de Michel Braudeau". In Le roman français au tournant du XXIe siècle. Bruno Blanckeman, Aline Mura-Brunel and Marc Dambre (eds.). Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2004, pp. 151-161.

"Lieux, rencontres, littérature: espace et identité dans Journal du dehors et La Vie extérieure d'Annie Ernaux". In Littérature & espaces. Actes du XXX colloque de la Société française de la littérature générale et comparée. Juliette Vion-Durym Jean-Marie Grassin, Bertrand Westphal (eds.). Limoges: PULIM, 2003, pp. 223-231.

"City Margins, Art and Identity in Contemporary French Literature: Jean Rolin's La Clôture and Michel Braudeau's Loin des forêts". In Koht ja paik/Place and Location III. Virve Sarapik and Kadri Tüür (eds.). Tallinn: Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Arts, 13, 2003, pp. 329-343.

"What word order can co? Word order diagrammaticality and the representation of space in literature". Visio vol. 8, 1-2, printemps-été 2003, pp. 210-216.

"Tramways, électricité, lisières, nature: dimensions de l'espace urbain dans La Forme d'une ville de Julien Gracq". In Nature: Literature and its Otherness/Nature: Littérature et son autre. Svend Erik Larsen, Morten Nøjgaard and Annelise Ballegaard Pedersen (eds.). Odense: Odense University Press, 1997, pp. 86-99.

"Altérité et identité dans l'espace urbain vers la fin des années 70: Tristes banlieues de Walter Prévost et Les Ruines de Paris de Jacques Réda". Forthcoming in L'Autre en mémoire, Laval: Presses de l'Université de Laval.


"Rukoushuoneita Disneylandissa: lähiöt ja kaupungit Ranskalaisessa yhteiskuntakeskustelussa" [Temples in Disneyland: Suburbia and City in French Social Discussions]. Tiede & Edistys, 4/2004, pp. 298-307.

"Kokemuksesta kieleen ja tekstiin: indeksaalisuuden käsite kirjallisuuden semiotiikassa" [From experience to language and text: the notion of indexicality in semiotics of literature]. Kirjallisuudentutkijain Seuran vuosikirja [The Yearbook of Literary Research Society], 53 (2000), pp. 27-43.


The Written Space: Semiotic Analysis of the Representation of Space and its Rhetorical Functions in Literature. Helsinki: International Semiotics Institute, 2001 (Acta Semiotica Fennica X).


"Jälkimoderni kaupunki ranskalaisessa kirjallisuudessa" [The Postmodern City in French Literature]. In PoMon tila. Kirjoituksia kirjallisuuden postmodernismista. Anna Helle and Katriina Kajannes (eds.). Jyväskylä: Kampus kustannus, 2005, pp. 160-182.

"Teorian tiet: Umberto Eco ja semiotiikan rakentuminen" [The Ways of Theory: Umberto Eco and the Construction of Semiotics]. In Umberto Eco: James Joyce, Teräsmies ja vesinokkaeläin. Tarja Knuuttila and Max Ryynänen (eds.). Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, 2005, pp. 55-79.

"Literature as Existential Semiotic: Reflections on New Approaches". In Sign Theories in Use. Kristian Bankov (ed.). Sofia: New Bulgarian University, 2004, p. 114-121.

"The Ambiguous Signification of Space: A Survey of Cultural and Experiential Semiotic Theories". In Landscapes of Presence. Aesthetics, Amenities and Technologies. Soile Veijola (ed.). Rovaniemi: University of Lapland (University of Lapland Publications in the Social Sciences B 47), 2003, pp. 9-30.

"Understanding Description: Topography in Textual Economy". In Eero Tarasti (ed.): Understanding/Misunderstanding. Contributions to the Study of the Hermeneutics of Signs. Imatra: International Semiotics Institute (Acta Semiotica Fennica XVI), 2003, pp. 391-405.

"Haarautuvan tieteen juurakossa - semiotiikan historian ongelmia" [In the Forking Roots of Science - Problems in the History of Semiotics]. Synteesi 1/2003, pp. 12-20.

"Katsaus ranskalaisen kirjallisuudentutkimuksen viimeaikaisiin suuntauksiin" [Review of Recent Developments in Literary Studies in France]. Kirjallisuudentutkijain Seuran vuosikirja [The Yearbook of Literary Research Society], 55 (2002), pp. 191-205.

"Merkki, kulttuuri, kokemus" ?Sign, Culture, Experience"?. In Merkillinen merkitys. A.Airola, H.J.Koskinen and Veera Mustonen (eds.). Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2000, pp. 130-142.

"Juhani Ahon Juha: kertomus kollektiivisen merkityksen (väki)vallasta" [Juhani Aho's Juha: A story on the power and violence of collective meaning]. Acta Semiotica Fennica, VIII, 2000, pp. 196-209.

Semiotiikka merkeistä mieleen ja kulttuuriin [Semiotics, from Signs to Mind and Culture; textbook]. With Tomi Huttunen. Helsinki: Edita, 1999.

"Problems of Reference in Description". Acta Semiotica Fennica, VII, 1999, pp. 290-302.

"Merkin vieraus - ongelman paikka" [The Otherness of the Sign]. Synteesi 4/1998, pp. 36-38.

"Kommunikaation heikko utopia" [The Weak Utopy of Communication].In Siltoja ja Synteesejä esseitä semiotiikasta, kulttuurista ja taiteesta. Irma Vierimaa, Kari Kilpeläinen and Anne Sivuoja-Gunaratnam (eds.). Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 1998, pp. 361-369.

"Roland Barthes - tutkijan vallattomuus" [Roland Barthes's Undisciplined Research]. In Kuin avointa kirjaa Leikkivä teksti ja sen lukija. Mervi Kantokorpi (ed.) Helsinki: University of Helsinki Research and Education Centre in Lahti and University of Helsinki Department of Finnish Literature, 1995, pp. 51-87.

"Barthes lukee Proustia - katseita kadonneeseen aikaan" [Barthes reads Proust - Gazes at the Time Lost]. Synteesi 3/1994, pp. 12-18


"Esijälkikaupunki" [Prepostcity]. Forthcoming in Urban Creatures. Dorothee Bienert and Hannele Kolsio (eds.). Porin taidemuseon julkaisuja 79.

"Introduction: Cognition and Literary Interpretation in Practice". In Cognition and Literary Interpretation in Practice. Harri Veivo, Bo Pettersson and Merja Polvinen (eds.). Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2005, pp. 11-27.

"Présentation: Peirce et les etudes littéraires / Presentation: Peirce and the Study of Literature". Recherches sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry vol. 24, 1-2-3/2004, pp. 3-32.

"Monipuolisuus tieteen lähtökohtana ja poliittisena voimana" [Plurality as a working premiss in science and as a political force]. Synteesi 4/2005, p. 2.

"City after state, the closed eye of an insect". Transl. by Tomi Snellman. Framework - the Finnish Art Review 2/2004, pp. 90-93.

"Kiertelyä modernin reunoilla eli shoppailua ja puhetta runoudesta Bulgariassa" [On the Edges of Modernity or Shopping and Speaking about Poetry in Bulgaria]. Idäntutkimus, 1/2004, pp. 26-7.

"Kohti Hypnopolista" [Towards Hypnopolis]. Kulttuurivihkot 4/2003, pp. 30-37.

Foreword and essay “Yleinen ja yksityinen, tutkimus ja kirjallisuus” ?Public and Private, Research and Literature?. In Kirjallisuus on virhe. Harri Veivo (ed.). Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2002, pp. 7-10 and 137-150.

"Guy Goffette - runon puhe" [Guy Goffette - the voice of the poem]. Taite 2/1999, pp. 9-11.

"Miksi kirjallisuus ja semiotiikka?" [Why Semiotics and Literature?]. Synteesi 4/1997, p. 2.

"Visioista sirpaleisiin: kaupunki ja identiteetti kirjallisuudessa" [From Visions to Fragments: City and Identity in Literature]. Hiidenkivi 4/1997, pp. 28-30.

"Lukijassa" [In the Reader]. In Lukiolaisen äidinkieli 2. Helsinki: WSOY, 1996, pp. 17-19.


"Jacques Réda: haastattelu ja sitä ennen ja sen jälkeen". [Jacques Réda: Interview and before and afterwards]. Tuli & Savu 3/2004, pp. 15-18.

"Guy Goffette: haastattelu Pariisissa" [Guy Goffette: Interview in Paris]. Tuli & Savu 3-4/2000, pp. 70-73.

"Kirjoittaminen toimenkuvana" [Writing as Profession/interview of Kjell Westö]. Hiidenkivi, 1/1997, p. 24.


Yves Bonnefoy’s “Les tombeaux de Ravenne”, translated from French to Finnish. Synteesi 4/2004, pp. 2-11.

Brian McHale’s “Mechs/Shapers, or, Varieties of Prosthetic Fiction: Mathews, Sorrentino, Acker and others”, translated from English to Finnish. Synteesi 1/2004, pp. 2-15.

Six poems by Jacques Réda, translated from French to Finnish, Tuli & Savu 3/2004, pp. 19-21.

Bart Eeckhout’s “Postsexual City? Times Square in the Age of Virtual Reproduction”, translated from English to Finnish. Kulttuurivihkot 4/2003, pp. 43-50.

Six poems by Guy Goffette, translated from French to Finnish. Tuli & Savu 3-4/2000, pp. 74-77.

Four poems by Guy Goffette, translated from French to Finnish. Taite 2/1999, pp. 11-13.

Jørgen Dines Johansen’s “A Semiotic Mapping of Literary Research”, translated form English to Finnish. Synteesi 4/1998, pp. 3-21.

Gunnar Björling’s “4711 Universalistik dada-individualism” (partly), “Rutschbanor” (partly), Kiri-ra! (partly) and Rabbe Enckell’s “Dikter” (partly) and “D A D A M O N O L O G”, translated from Swedish to French. Together with Janna Kantola. Forthcoming in Henri Béhar (ed.) Dossiers H. Paris: L’Age d’homme.


"Rurbaani bukoliikka" [Rurban bucolic]. The Annual conference of the Finnish Literary Research Society, Helsinki, 21.1.2006.

"Reproduction and Innovation in Avant-garde Literature". Conference Innovation and Reproduction in Cultures and Societies, Vienna, 11.12.2005.

"Intentio ja itsepäiset merkitykset Roland Barthesin tuotannossa" [Intention and stubborn significations in Roland Barthes Writings]. The Annual Oscar-day conference of the Semiotic Society of Finland, Helsinki, 2.12.2005.

"Kaupungin loppu - kaupunkilaisen uusi alku?" [The end of the city - a new Beginning for the city dweller?]. Porin taidemuseo, 30.11.2005.

"Kaupunki kuvana, kertomuksena ja tekstinä: kulttuurisemioottinen tarkastelutapa" [The city as image, story and text: the cultural semiotic approach]. Lahden aikuiskoulutuskeskus, 17.10.2005.

"Surplus architecture". International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Imatra, 15.6.2005.

"Semioottinen/kognitiivinen: merkityksen ongelma" [Semiotic/cognitive. the problem of signification]. The annual summer symposium of the Semiotic Society of Finland, Imatra, 12.6.2005.

"Kohti jälkiurbaania aikaa?" [Towards a posturban era?]. Kuvataideakatemian jatko-opintoseminaari, 11.5.2005.

"Modeling, Theorizing, and Interpretation in Cognitive Literary Studies". With Tarja Knuuttila. Conference Cognition and Literary Interpretation in Practice, Helsinki, 27.8.2004.

"Littérature urbaine contemporaine". Visiting lecture in professor Marc Dambre's seminar, Université Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2.12.2003.

" « Commet être là ? » Sur les possibilités de partage et d'appartenance dans la littérature (péri)urbaine contemporaine". Colloque Corps d'ecriture et corps politique, Université-Paris VII, 29.11.2003.

"Des rencontres difficiles: Non-lieux et figures d'altérité dans la littérature française contemporaine". Colloque international sur l'altérité dans les littératures francophones, University of Manitoba and Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg, 15.11.2003.

Visiting lecturer. 9th Early Fall Scholl of Semiotics organized by the New Bulgarian University, St.Kyrik, 10-14.9.2003.

"Strategies for the Legitimization of a Topic: The Emergence of Suburbia in French Literature". Conference Literature and its Others, Turku, 9.5.2003.

"Abject Spaces: Where Cultural Structures and Subjective Action Do Not Meet". The 1st Winter Academy of Cultural Studies of Tourism, Rovaniemi, 20.1.2003.

Visiting lecturer. 8th Early Fall Scholl of Semiotics organized by the New Bulgarian University, St.Kyrik, 5-10.9.2002.

"Place, Structure, Fragmentation: Structural Semiotics and the Challenge of Postmodern Space". Juri Lotman Symposium, Imatra, 10.6.2002.

"Abject Spaces in the Semiotics of Space" [In Finnish]. 21st Symposium of the Finnish Semiotic Society, Imatra, 8.6.2002.

"Insertions de l'exclu(e): figures et topoi de la marginalité dans la littérature française des années 1990". Conference Vers une cartographie du roman contemporain, Paris, 25.5.2002.

"Modelling the Void: Post-Urban Topographies in French Literature". 6th World Congress of the International Association for Visual Semiotics, Québec, 16.10.2001.

"Entre la plénitude et le vide: expériences de villes fragmentées dans la littérature française contemporaine". XXXe Congrès de la Société française de littérature générale et comparée, Limoges, 20.9.2001.

"Aspects of Semiotic Space". International Summer Insitute for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Imatra, 13.6.2001.

"On Stories and Schemata". Models, Maps, Schemata - 6th Congress of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, Copenhagen, 23.11.2000.

"Rhetoric of Space and Politics in Milan Kundera's The Book of Laughter and Forgetting". Nordic-Baltic Summer Institute for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Imatra, 15.6.2000.

"The Social and the Phenomenal in Semiosis" [In Finnish]. The 19th Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of Finland, Imatra, 15.6.2000.

"Description et economie narrative dans Lac de Jean Echenoz: jeux intersémiotiques". Les relations inter-sémiotiques - Colloque internationale, Lyon, 17.12.1999.

"Spatial structures in literary texts: From description to argumentation". Sign Processes in Complex Systems - 7th International Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Dresden, 6.-11.10.1999.

"Creative Iconicity: Topography in Textual Economy". International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Imatra, 16.6.1999.

"From Visions to Fragments: Cities in Finnish Literature" [In Finnish]. The Multidimensional City -Summer School for Semiotics, Imatra, 15.6.1999.

"From Spatial Experience to Negotiated Imagination: Structures of Soul in John Ashbery's Poem 'Selt-Portrait in a Convex Mirror". To See, to Touch, to Comprehend: Colour, Light, Material, Form, Space - Symposium on Experience, Impressiveness and Research, Kuopio, 18.2.1999.

"Reference, Iconisation, Imagination". International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Imatra, 7.6.1998.

"A Small Typology of Literary Space" [In Finnish]. Winter Seminar of the Finnish Literary Research Society, Lammi, 16.1.1998.

"Where is Fiction?". Semiotic Meeting of Helsinki and Tartu Universities, Tartu, 14.11.1997.

"On Spatial Description in Literature". Summer Institute for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Imatra, 10.6.1997.

"Signs and 'that something'" [In Finnish]. Symposium The Possibilities and Impossibilities of Meaning, Helsinki, 4.4.1997.

"Meaning, Culture and Reality" [In Finnish]. Symposium Meaningful Meaning, Helsinki, 21.3.1997.

"Signs Getting Personal - Roland Barthes's Last Writings" [In Finnish]. Symposium The Return of the Author, Helsinki, 13.12.1996.

"Tramways, électricité, lisières, nature: dimensions de l'espace urbain dans La Forme d'une ville de Julien Gracq". Literature's Nature/La littérature et la nature - ICLA colloquium, Odense, 30.08.1996.

"An Effort to Approach Iconicity". The 4th Biannual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, Imatra, 15.06.1996.

"Between Fact and Fiction - Communication and Autocommunication in Autobiography". Hommage à Youri Lotman Commemorative Symposium, Imatra,


"Voimala" [Discussion on Finnish Literature]. TV 1, 22.2.2003.


Professor of Semiotics, University of Helsinki, the Finnish Network University of Semiotics.


2001 Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Helsinki, majoring in comparative literature. Dissertation on The Written Space. Semiotic Analysis of the Representation of Space and its Rhetorical Functions in Literature. Approved with the grade "eximia cum laude approbatur".
1996-2001 Doctoral studies on comparative literature at the University of Helsinki.
1998-2000 Doctoral studies on French language and literature at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
1998 Doctoral studies on comparative literature and semiotics at the University of Southern Denmark (Odense), Denmark.
1996 Master of Arts at the University of Helsinki, majoring in comparative literature. Dissertation Artificial Myths. A Study on Meaning and Power in Roland Barthes’s Theory of Literature (in Finnish, 116 p.). Approved with the grade “eximia cum laude approbatur”.
1992-1996 Studies on comparative literature and French philology at the University of Helsinki.
1991-1992 Studies on linguistics, literature and cinema at the University of Aix-en-Provence, France.
1989-1991 1989-1991 Studies on French philology and Finnish literature at the University of Turku.


Since 2004 Docent, Comparative Literature, University of Helsinki.
Member of research project “Representations as Semiotic Artifacts”, director professor Eero Tarasti, financed by the University of Helsinki.
2003-2004 Post-doctoral research fellow at the Finnish Graduate School of Literary Studies.
Since 2002 Member of the research center "Etudes sur le roman du second demi-siècle", Université Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle..
Since 2001 Associate member of Ghent Urban Studies Team, Ghent University, Belgium.
Since 1995 Part-time teacher at the University of Helsinki (comparative literature and semiotics).
Since 1995 Part-time teacher at the University of Helsinki (comparative literature and semiotics).
1995-1997 Coordinator, University of Helsinki semiotics undergraduate programme.
1995-1997 Congress assistant, International Semiotics Institute, Imatra, Finland.


2001 Wihuri foundation scholarship for post-doctoral research.
Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth foundation scholarship for the completion of the Ph.D. dissertation.
2000-2001 University of Helsinki monthly scholarship for doctoral studies.
1997 Norfa scholarship for doctoral studies in Denmark.
1997-1999 University of Helsinki monthly scholarship for doctoral studies.


Since 2005 Supervisor for Ph.D. thesis on pictorial representation of information society by Ulla Oksanen, University of Helsinki.
Supervisor for Ph.D. thesis on moving image and knowledge by Vesa Kantola, University of Arts and Design, Helsinki.
Since 2004 Supervisor for Ph.D. thesis on H.P.Lovecraft’s literary production by Massimo Berrutti, University of Helsinki.
2002-2004 Methodological supervisor for Ph.D. thesis Matkailuportaali virtuaalituristin valintojen tilana by Sari Matala, University of Lapland. Approved with the grade “magna cum laude approbatur”.



Head of the evaluation committee for teaching skills, Dario Martinelli’s docent lecture at the University of Helsinki Department of Art Research, 23.1.2006.
Evaluator, Janne Kurki’s docent application at the University of Helsinki Department of Art Research.


Opponent, Jan Kenneth Weckman’s doctoral dissertation at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, 22.10.2005.
Guest editor, Recherches sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry.
Chair of steering committee, cultural semiotics project, City of Lahti.


Referee, Recherches sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry.

Since 2003 Co-editor, Synteesi (scientific journal on art research).
2001 Referee, Kasvatus (scientific journal “Education”).


Since 2004 Finnish Literature Society, member.
Since 1996 Semiotic Society of Finland, member; member of the board 1996-1998 and since 2003.
Since 1996 Finnish Literary Research Society, member; secretary, member of the board 1996-1997.

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