
Session 2 : on the protection of gastronomy through law

Réalisation : 19 mai 2022 - Mise en ligne : 20 juin 2022
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
  • niveau 1 niveau 2 niveau 3

Chair: Dr. Antony TAILLEFAIT, Professor of Public Law at the University of Angers

Dr. Kae SEKINE, Associate Professor at the Economics School of de Aichi Gakuin University (Nagoya) & Hart FEUER, Assistant Professor at the University of Kyoto, Seeking Social Legitimacy of Wagyu in the Transition towards a Sustainable Agri-Food System: Evolution of Policy and Practice in Japan (videoconference)

Dr. Loïc BIENASSIS, Historian, IEHCA, The know-how and culture of the baguette de pain in France, an intangible cultural heritage

Dr. Kenjiro MURAMUTSU, Lecturer in Japanese Studies at the University of Lyon III, The critical protection of Aichi Hatcho Miso: an example of conflict between regional and national heritage


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