Lieu de réalisation
Faculté de Droit, Économie & Sciences Sociales de Tours.
Langue :
Philippe DUMAS (Réalisation)
Détenteur des droits
Tous droits réservés © IRJI François-Rabelais(EA-7496)
Citer cette ressource :
IRJI. (2022, 19 mai). Session 2 (second party) : Dynamics of terroirs, territories and gastronomy , in Droit, territoires, terroirs et gastronomie en France et au Japon. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 3 juin 2024)

Session 2 (second party) : Dynamics of terroirs, territories and gastronomy

Réalisation : 19 mai 2022 - Mise en ligne : 20 juin 2022
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
  • niveau 1 niveau 2 niveau 3

Dynamics of terroirs, territories and gastronomy Chair: Dr. Jean-Bernard AUBY, Professor Emeritus of Public Law, Science Po Paris and Loïc LEVOYER, Senior Lecturer in Public Law at the University of Poitiers, Dr. Nobuhiro ITO, Professor of History, University of Sugiyama Jogakuen, Understanding the inscription of Washoku in the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity: beauty in Japanese culture, Nicolas BAUMERT, Senior Lecturer at the University of Nagoya, Institute of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Gastronomy and geographical identity: the intersecting trajectories of Japan and France

Dr. Benoit GRIMONPREZ, Professor of Private Law at the University of Poitiers, Vineyards, the first victims of global warming: towards sustainable viticulture?

Sylvain HUET (Sake Samurai, Founder of the Sake Academy and organiser of the Sake Fair), About some preconceived ideas about sake» followed by a sake tasting, especially from the producer Kuheiji and the Kagame Biraki ceremony


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