Langues :
Espagnol, castillan, Français
Valentina Vapnarsky (Organisation de l'évènement), (Enseignement et Recherche en Ethnologie Amérindienne, LESC) EREA (Production)
Conditions d'utilisation
Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle
DOI : 10.60527/633x-ac77
Citer cette ressource :
LESC-EREA. (2020, 13 novembre). Séminaire EREA - RITMO : "Maya lords in Israel: Biblical temporality in postclassic Maya migration stories" par Sergio Romero (University of Texas at Austin). [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 28 octobre 2024)

Séminaire EREA - RITMO : "Maya lords in Israel: Biblical temporality in postclassic Maya migration stories" par Sergio Romero (University of Texas at Austin)

Réalisation : 13 novembre 2020 - Mise en ligne : 14 novembre 2020
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In this presentation I consider Old Testament narratives in the first títulos written in K’iche’ in the mid-sixteenth century and in the earliest K’iche’ homiletic production. Responding to the need to legitimize their rule and hereditary privileges, on the one hand, and to cast themselves as Christian subjects of the Spanish king, on the other, K’iche’ noble scribes presented their ancestors as members of one of the ancient tribes of Israel. They reinterpreted Old Testament narratives as variations of migration stories, the emblematic postclassic Maya official lineage history. I examine the articulation of Maya and Christian temporalities in these texts, the fraught dialogue between Maya lords and Dominicans, and the solutions Maya nobles developed to make Christian time scales and cycles compatible with Maya conceptions of time and elite political agendas.

L'intervention en espagnol. Discutant Mario Humberto Ruz (Centro de Estudios Mayas, UNAM, Mexique)

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