BRIO's facts and figures, structuration projects : Axe Cancer, translational research centerUpdate the implementation of BRIO
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Update the implementation of BRIO
Brio organisation is now fully up and running, and more than 100research projects are currently active into the 6 integrated researchprogrammes. In addition, major progresses were achieved at the level of the 7strategic axes defined to structure and support cancer research in Bordeaux.The bioinformatics axis saw the recruitment of 4 bioinformaticians (2 funded byBRIO) and the creation of a transversal bioinformatics axis at the University.For the in-vivo research axis, a project to develop a translational research centeris currently being developed (see Bordeaux Cancer section). A new Insermcandidate unit “Cancer Epidemiology and Environmental Exposures” is beingproposed to consolidate the health outcome axis. Databases have been the topicof the first inter-SIRIC collaboration and 4 working groups have been defined.The personalised medicine axis is being supported by BRIO-funded techniciansand will be further consolidated with a post-doctoral fellow. A new HHS groupwas formed to support HHS projects in cancer and a call for proposals will belaunched in 2015. Finally, the fundamental axis saw the creation of atransversal cancer axis at the University, complementary to BRIO activities andfocusing on technologies and fundamental research. In parallel, BRIO also startedits communication activities and 14 events were organised or supported in 2014to facilitate interactions between scientists, develop new partnerships andcreate a cancer research community in Bordeaux.
Cette présentation a été donnée dans le cadre du ScientificBRIO Day 2 organisé annuellement par le SIRIC BRIO et qui a pour but de réunirtous les acteurs du SIRIC BRIO et plus largement de la cancérologie à Bordeaux.
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