Lieu de réalisation
FMSH - 54 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris
Langue :
Richard FILLON (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), Cornelia Klinger (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
Tous droits réservés.
DOI : 10.60527/s2jf-6118
Citer cette ressource :
Cornelia Klinger. FMSH. (2008, 16 septembre). On the appearance of the discourse on the sublime in times of crisis , in Penser le sublime au XXIe siècle. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

On the appearance of the discourse on the sublime in times of crisis

Réalisation : 16 septembre 2008 - Mise en ligne : 2 avril 2009
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The most striking feature of the discourse on the sublime is its discontinuity. Long intervals lie between its first occurrence in late antiquity and several revivals in the seventeenth, eighteenth and twentieth centuries. It seems evident that the topic of the sublime surges in times of profound societal and intellectual crisis. My objective is to envision the most recent resurgence of an increased theoretical interest in the sublime in the light of this hypothesis of the discourse on the sublime as discourse of crisis. The particular focus of my contribution concerns the question how the concept of the sublime is intertwined with issues of gender, i.e. how crises in gender relations, in the gender order of modern society are reflected in the discourse on the sublime.


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