Lieu de réalisation
FMSH - 54 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris
Langue :
Richard FILLON (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), Peter De Bolla (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
Tous droits réservés.
DOI : 10.60527/e2q6-nh95
Citer cette ressource :
Peter De Bolla. FMSH. (2008, 15 septembre). The Sublime: a Conceptual Analysis , in Penser le sublime au XXIe siècle. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 21 septembre 2024)

The Sublime: a Conceptual Analysis

Réalisation : 15 septembre 2008 - Mise en ligne : 2 avril 2009
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
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This paper sets out both a methodology for conceptual analysis and an account of the sublime in the British eighteenth century. It seeks to establish an account of the sublime in both historical and conceptual terms. The historical optic seeks to test whether it makes sense to consider concepts as historical forms, and takes the sublime as a test case. The second armature of the paper seeks to map the contours or shape of the concept through an analysis of its grammar and architecture. A preliminary discussion of what is meant by those terms is followed by their application to the concept of the sublime.


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