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©CNRS, 2018
DOI : 10.60527/yc45-4p85
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CNRS – Service audiovisuel d'ARDIS (UAR2259). (2018, 24 avril). Conférence Russel Gray "The big, bright future if linguistics". [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 10 décembre 2024)

Conférence Russel Gray "The big, bright future if linguistics"

Réalisation : 24 avril 2018 - Mise en ligne : 1 octobre 2018
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"The big, bright future of linguistics" par Russel GRAY (MPI Iena)

Linguistics, like many of the social sciences and humanities, is undergoing a revolution. Centuries of careful scholarship is now being supplemented by the availability of large digital data sets. In this talk I will argue that the future of linguistics lies not only in engaging with "big data", but also with the need to pose bigger questions, develop better analytical methods, and participate productively in large interdisciplinary teams. I will illustrate these points with examples of the work that is currently taking place at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena.

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