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Campus Paris-Villejuif
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(c) CNRS
DOI : 10.60527/cxzm-3z29
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CNRS – Service audiovisuel d'ARDIS (UAR2259). (2019, 2 avril). Lecture 3 : « Language contact as an alternative to assumed genealogical relationships » , in LABEX EFL. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 17 février 2025)

Lecture 3 : « Language contact as an alternative to assumed genealogical relationships »

Réalisation : 2 avril 2019 - Mise en ligne : 25 avril 2019
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« Areal linguistics in Africa before a new approach to its genealogical language classification », Lecture 3 : « Language contact as an alternative to assumed genealogical relationships », Tom Güldemann (Humboldt University – Berlin) LABEX EFL SEMINAR

Chaire Internationale 2019 : Le Labex accueille le Professeur Tom Güldemann - Université de Humboldt (Berlin)

There are various cases of African languages displaying considerable linguistic isoglosses that for a long time have been assumed but not proven to be explained by genealogical relationships. A possible way out of this longstanding problem is a more dedicated search for possible contact relations across major group boundaries. This lecture focusses on the results of language contact research that may provide an alternative explanation for linguistic similarities among presumably unrelated languages. Several such cases are discussed starting out from the case of the Kalahari Basin hypothesis (cf. Güldemann and Fehn 2017) that replaces Greenberg’s equivocal Khoisan hypothesis.

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