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DOI : 10.60527/sz48-zc60
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CNRS – Service audiovisuel d'ARDIS (UAR2259). (2017, 7 juin). "The origins of insubordination cross-linguistically" Sonia Cristofaro (University of Pavia) Labex EFL Seminar, , in LABEX EFL. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

"The origins of insubordination cross-linguistically" Sonia Cristofaro (University of Pavia) Labex EFL Seminar,

Réalisation : 7 juin 2017 - Mise en ligne : 23 août 2017
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Chaire Internationale 2017 : Le Labex accueille le Professeur Sonia Cristofaro - Université de Pavie (Italie)

Insubordination is usually regarded as a phenomenon whereby a former subordinate clause comes to be used independently. Cross-linguistically,however, insubordinate clauses can develop through a wider range of mechanisms than assumed so far, and many clause types are actually compatible with different developmental mechanisms and source constructions. Also, the various mechanisms are quite different in nature, and do not exclusively apply to subordinate clauses. This suggests that insubordination might actually be a result of several different processes pertaining to clause combining in general, rather than a unified process specifically pertaining to subordination.


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