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© EHESS / 2015
DOI : 10.60527/s665-nb30
Citer cette ressource :
EHESS. (2015, 7 juillet). In memory of Ho Peng Yoke (1926-2014) : contributions to the history of astronomy, alchemy and divination in China , in 14th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 13 février 2025)

In memory of Ho Peng Yoke (1926-2014) : contributions to the history of astronomy, alchemy and divination in China

Réalisation : 7 juillet 2015 - Mise en ligne : 2 janvier 2016
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
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Organiser: Christopher CULLEN
Chair: Jianjun MEI

  • Christopher CULLEN: Ho Peng Yoke and the Needham project
  • QU Anjing : Ho Peng Yoke and Chinese astronomy: his contribution to the field, and some personal reminiscences
  • Fabrizio PREGADIO : Ho Peng Yoke, Chinese Alchemy, and Daoism
  • Lisa RAPHALS : Science and Divination Reconsidered: Ho Peng Yoke and the history of Chinese science and mantic practices

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