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ENS-LSH/SCAM (Réalisation), Dimitri Gutas (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle
DOI : 10.60527/rcrv-gj14
Citer cette ressource :
Dimitri Gutas. ENS de Lyon. (2009, 11 mars). 02 La question de l’hellénisation du Proche-Orient à l’époque médiévale , in L’Islam et l’Occident à l’époque médiévale. Transmission et diffusion des savoirs. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 15 septembre 2024)

02 La question de l’hellénisation du Proche-Orient à l’époque médiévale

Réalisation : 11 mars 2009 - Mise en ligne : 16 avril 2009
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Colloque L’Islam et l’Occident à l’époque médiévale. Transmission et diffusion des savoirs. (11, 12, 13 mars 2009)

Session La philosophie dans le monde arabo-musulman au Moyen Âge

Dimitri Gutas

Professeur de littérature et de civilisation arabes et gréco-arabes, Yale University

Dimitri Gutas is Professor of Classical Arabic studies and Graeco-Arabic studies at Yale University. He has worked extensively on the formation and development of the medieval Islamic intellectual tradition, with particular emphasis on its linguistic, social, and ideological aspects. He has written about the transmission of Greek scientific and philosophical works into the Islamic world through the momentous Graeco-Arabic translation movement in Baghdad from the eighth to the tenth centuries AD, in Greek Thought, Arabic Culture (London 1998), which has been translated into seven languages. He is also an authority on the Arabic philosophical tradition, in particular its greatest exponent, Ibn Sina (Avicenna), on whom he wrote Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition. Introduction to Reading Avicenna’s Philosophical Works (Leiden 1988). A collection of his articles is to be found in Greek Philosophers in the Arabic Tradition (Aldershot 2000). He continues to edit, with G. Endress of Bochum University, A Greek and Arabic Lexicon (Leiden 1992ff.). He is currently working on critical editions of Arabic translations of ancient Greek works, a translation of Ibn Sina’s works on the soul, and a general introduction to philosophy in the Islamic world.

Equipe technique Directeur de la production: Christophe Porlier, Responsable des moyens techniques: Francis Ouedraogo, Réalisation : Service commun audiovisuel et multimédia Cadre: Mathias Chassagneux, Carine Doléac Son: Xavier Comméat, Encodage-Montage-Diffusion Web : Jean-Claude Troncard


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