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Orlando Patterson (Intervention)
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©FMSH 2016
DOI : 10.60527/srhz-jy05
Citer cette ressource :
Orlando Patterson. FMSH. (2016, 12 décembre). Orlando Patterson "Racial Issues and Integration in the USA" , in Diversité des expériences et causes communes. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 19 septembre 2024)

Orlando Patterson "Racial Issues and Integration in the USA"

Réalisation : 12 décembre 2016 - Mise en ligne : 4 janvier 2017
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Racial Issues and Integration in the USA


As part of the international conference series "Diversity of Experiences and Common Causes" organized by Manthia Diawara and Nicole Lapierre under the aegis of New York University, the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Foundation and the Institut du ToutWorld.


Orlando Patterson, Sociologist, Professor at Harvard

Orlando Patterson has conducted extensive research on ethno-racial relations and the social and cultural effects of poverty among black youth in the United States. The analyses and proposals contribute to public debate on these issues. They are more than ever current after the election of Donald Trump. Professor Patterson is the author of several books, including Slavery and Social Death (1982), Freedom in the Making of Western Culture (1991), The Ordeal of Integration (1997), The Cultural Matrix: Understanding Black Youth (with Ethan Fosse, 2015). The author of three novels, he has published widely in journals of opinion and the national press, especially The New York Times.

Présentation by Manthia Diawara and Nicole Lapierre


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