Renaissance Music in the Digital Domain : MEI and the Dynamic Scholarly Text
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For too long, the great European projects for digital humanities were not on the same page as the American projects. This initiative aims at helping American and European researchers to collaborate in the field of digital literary studies, to share their knowledge and their methods, to share practices and common tools and to disseminate their works.
Thanks to an important funding of the Foundation A.W Mellon, the FMSH has been able to support, through this programme, collaborative actions between research institutions and American and European universities. The principal objective was to give an international visibility to digital philology, an emerging research topic in the field of digital humanities.
The FMSH organises two closing days in order to disseminate the results of the Transatlantic program for collaborative work in the field of digital humanities. On the day of the symposium, various great personnalities in the field of digital humanities will present the results of their respective researches.
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Toward an Empirical Literary History
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Transatlantic Electronic Literature : A Transatlantic Program in Collaborative Digital Humanities
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A Model Digital Edition of the Mishnah
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Use and Reuse : Exploring the Practices and Legacy of Eighteenth Century Culture
For too long, the great European projects for digital humanities were not on the same page as the American projects. This initiative aims at helping American and European researchers to collaborate in
General Discussion
For too long, the great European projects for digital humanities were not on the same page as the American projects. This initiative aims at helping American and European researchers to collaborate in
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