Complex analytic and differential geometry 2017
S. Kebekus - Varieties with vanishing first Chern class
We investigate the holonomy group of singular Kähler-Einstein metrics on klt varieties with numerically trivial canonical divisor. Finiteness of the number of connected components, a Bochner
S-T. Yau - Existence of complete Kähler-Einstein metric with negative scalar curvature
This is a talk about my works with Damin Wu concerning those manifolds with negative holomorphic sectional curvature. I shall describe our theorem that such manifold must have negative first Chern
N. Mok - Linearly saturated subvarieties on uniruled projective manifolds
Linearly saturated subvarieties on uniruled projective manifolds
V. Tosatti - $C^{1,1}$ estimates for complex Monge-Ampère equations
I will discuss a method that we recently introduced in collaboration with Chu and Weinkove which gives interior C1,1 estimates for the non-degenerate complex Monge-Ampère equation on compact
V. Guedj - Quasi-psh envelopes and supersolutions
Using and extending an approximation process due to Berman, we show that the quasi-psh envelope of a viscosity super-solution is a pluripotential super-solution of a given complex Monge-Ampère
C. Voisin - Cubic fourfolds, hyper-Kähler manifolds and their degenerations
There at least three families of hyper-K ̈ahler manifolds built from cubic fourfolds, the most recently discovered one being the compactified intermediate Jacobian fibrations I constructed with
S. Kolodziej - Monge-Ampère and Hessian equations on compact Hermitian manifolds
Monge-Ampère and Hessian equations on compact Hermitian manifolds
C. Favre - Degeneration of measures of maximal entropy
Consider any meromorphic family of endomorphisms of the complex projective plane parameterized by the punctured unit disk. We shall explain how to describe the behaviour of their measures of
M. Mustata - Hodge ideals
I will discuss certain invariants of singularities, the Hodge ideals, that are defined in the context of Saito’s theory of mixed Hodge modules. They can be considered as higher order analogues of
S. Donaldson - Boundary value problems for $G_2$ structures
In the lecture we consider the existence of G2 structures on 7-manifolds with boundary, with prescribed data on the boundary. In the first part we will review general background and theory,
L. Ein - Discrepancies and dimensions of secant varieties
Discrepancies and dimensions of secant varieties
T. Darvas - Complex Monge-Ampère equations with prescribed singularity type
Given a Kahler manifold (X, ω), finding smooth solutions to the equation (ø +i∂̄∂u)n=føn goes back to Yau’s solution of the Calabi conjecture in the seventies. In joint work with E.
professeur en poste au Department of Mathematics de l'Université du Michigan
Professeur chercheur au sein de l'équipe géométrie et dynamique de l'institut de mathématiques de Jussieu (en 2004)
Professeur de mathématiques à l'Ecole Polytechnique, Directeur du Laboratoire Centre de mathématiques Laurent Schwartz (CMLS) en 2019
Ecrit aussi en anglais
Mathématicien, en poste à l'Université Jagiellonski de Cracovie, Pologne (en 2005)
Ingénieur chez Safran Herakles (2012)
Mathématicien. En poste à l'Institut de mathématiques de Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier (en 2011)
Professeur au sein de l'"Institut Courant de sciences mathématiques" (New York, États-Unis)
Écrit aussi en chinois? Mathématicien. Chercheur au Département de mathématiques, Université de Columbia, USA (en 1989)
Mathématicien. Professeur à l'université de Stanford, Calif. (en 1974). Professeur à l'université de Harvard, Cambridge, Mass., USA (en 1991)
Mathématicien. En poste : Mathematisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Allemagne (en 2020)
Mathématicien. En poste au Mathematical institute, University of Oxford, GB (en 1990)
Mathématicien. En poste à l'université de l'Illinois, Chicago, Etats-Unis (en 2018)
Professeur associé au département de mathématiques de l'université de Maryland (2017)