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FMSH Production (Production), Laurent De Sutter (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/9tn3-s357
Citer cette ressource :
Laurent De Sutter. FMSH. (2015, 17 octobre). The Total Mobilization of Desire: Excitation at the Time of Social Networks - Laurent de Sutter (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 19 septembre 2024)

The Total Mobilization of Desire: Excitation at the Time of Social Networks - Laurent de Sutter (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Réalisation : 17 octobre 2015 - Mise en ligne : 8 février 2016
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Mobilisation totale : web et réalité sociale

What is the web doing? What is the web? What does the web want?

The web is mobilizing human beings in impressive and unprecedented ways. In order to understand this phenomenon, we should wonder what kind of entity the web is, how it relates to and bears upon human society and culture. The conference aims at doing so by involving scholars who, in their researches, are addressing these issues from different perspectives. e.g. philosophy, cognitive sciences, anthropology, social sciences.

Organizing and Scientific Committee : Angela Condello, Maurizio Ferraris, Sara Guindani, Enrico Terrone

Scientific Direction : Maurizio Ferraris

Organized by Collège d’études mondiales - FMSH, in collaboration with Iri (Centre Pompidou) and LabOnt (Università di Torino)

SATURDAY OCTOBER 17th (Centre Pompidou)

Mobilization: What does the web want?

Laurent de Sutter (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)The Total Mobilization of Desire: Excitation at the Time of Social Networks



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