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DOI : 10.60527/9h52-5x98
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LESTUDIUM. (2021, 15 juin). Beatriz Avila - CO2 electroreduction to formate on Sn, Bi and Sb nanostructured electrodes: from fundamental studies to practical devices , in Challenges and opportunities in materials for green energy production and conversion. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 18 septembre 2024)

Beatriz Avila - CO2 electroreduction to formate on Sn, Bi and Sb nanostructured electrodes: from fundamental studies to practical devices

Réalisation : 15 juin 2021 - Mise en ligne : 15 juin 2021
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The electrochemical reduction of CO2into chemical products of interest has been considered as an interesting routenot only to mitigate climate change but also to store renewable energy in theform of value-added chemicals. Among other possible chemicals, formic acid(HCOOH) or formate (HCOO−) (depending on pH value) is one of themost attractive carbon-based products due to its potential uses and its highworld demand including its use as a fuel for low-temperature fuel cells and asa renewable hydrogen carrier molecule. In this contribution, we will summarizeour most recent and relevant results on the use of Tin (Sn), Bismuth (Bi), andAntimony (Sb) nanostructured based electrocatalysts for the selectiveconversion of CO2 into formic acid/ formate. This summary will coverfrom fundamental studies, including the synthesis, characterization andelectrochemical behaviour of these nanostructured materials on conventionalH-type electrochemical cells, to practical applications, focused on thedevelopment and testing of a process for the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2to formate (HCOO−) operating in a continuous way, with differentelectrochemical reactor configurations, such as Gas Diffusion Electrodes (GDE),or Catalyst Coated Membrane Electrodes (CCME), and under different operatingconditions. The results obtained will demonstrate the potentialities of thiselectrochemical technology for the valorisation of CO2 into formicacid/ formate.


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