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DOI : 10.60527/bm3s-1767
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LESTUDIUM. (2021, 15 juin). Hermenegildo García - Getting closer to a large scale process. Photocatalysts for light-assisted CO2 hydrogenation , in Challenges and opportunities in materials for green energy production and conversion. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 21 septembre 2024)

Hermenegildo García - Getting closer to a large scale process. Photocatalysts for light-assisted CO2 hydrogenation

Réalisation : 15 juin 2021 - Mise en ligne : 15 juin 2021
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There is an urgent need to diminishatmospheric CO2 emissions to meet with the International agreementson global warming and climate change. One of the possible strategies is the utilizationof CO2 as feedstock of fuels and chemicals. Among the possible reactions, CO2hydrogenation can give a wide variety of products from methane to lighthydrocarbons and alcohols of high added value. However, due to its highchemical stability, CO2 transformation requires a considerable amount of energyto run the reaction at temperatures above 450 oC and high pressure. In thiscontext, the use of solar light as primary energy source and development ofselective photocatalysts to promote the reaction becomes highly relevant. Thepresentation will summarize the contribution of the group to develop efficientsolar photocatalysts for selective CO2 hydrogenations, indicating the targetsto be achieve to be competitive with conventional thermal catalytic processesand the possibility to achieve these goals in short term.


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