Langue :
Thomas GUIFFARD (Réalisation), Simon Copland (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/w3fm-6310
Citer cette ressource :
Simon Copland. CNRS_Pouchet. (2019, 19 juin). Mapping the Manosphere: analysing the manosphere on Reddit , in Séminaire du CIS. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 26 octobre 2024)

Mapping the Manosphere: analysing the manosphere on Reddit

Réalisation : 19 juin 2019 - Mise en ligne : 2 juillet 2019
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Recent years have seen an emergence of a diverse range of online male communities, primarily through sites such as 4chan and Reddit. Theorists, as well as the users of these spaces themselves, describe this space as the ‘manosphere’ (Schmitz and Kazyak 2016).

Despite increasing media and academic attention placed onto the manosphere, there is little work that examines the depth of its network and community structures, nor understands the driving forces behind participation in the space. Coverage frequently examines the perceived worst parts of these spaces, with a focus on violent rhetoric (e.g. Massanari 2017, Salter 2018).

This paper starts to fill this gap, providing an examination of the manosphere in terms of social network structure. The paper studies three subreddits of the Manosphere on the social media and news-sharing site Reddit – r/Braincels, r/MGTOW and r/TheRedPill.

Through a network analysis approach the paper examines the communities within the manosphere, studying how users are connected to each and in what ways, whether there are distinct sub-communities, how these communities form, and how they interact with each other. Through qualitative analysis of posts and discourse the paper then examines the motivations of users to participate in these spaces, in particular arguing that users are expressing feelings of social isolation and are seeking forms of community in response.

This paper starts to provide a deeper analysis of the network and community structure of the manosphere, aiming to give us a stronger understanding of the behaviours, community connections and attachments within this online sphere.


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