Capturing by Photography the Social Relations at Work : Example from Researches in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso
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My approach places the analysis of the interaction between researchers and interviewees at the centre of socio-visual practices, based on a study conducted in companies in Ethiopia and, more recently, Burkina Faso.
I propose to analyse the interplay involved in taking photographs as a way of shedding light on the relation with work, as a complement to the traditional tools of ethnographic investigation I will focus on the ways in which race, gender and class relations impact on this interaction. The presentation will first present the different everyday uses of photography in Burkina Faso and Ethiopia in order to explain the difficulties of setting up a visual survey in a company in Burkina Faso. In addition, the organisational framework can exploit or neutralise the social relations involved in photographic interaction. The presentation then highlights how Ethiopian men tend to play to the camera. While being a female photographer may make it easier to photograph Ethiopian women workers, the presentation highlights the difficulty of not reproducing power relations by rendering invisible the work of those who often adopt a discreet stance in front of the camera. We also show how these relationships should be considered in the context of the biographical experience of the actors, with the photographic interaction replaying previous situations of domination, including in other photographic interactions experienced differently from one interviewee to another.
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