Lieu de réalisation
Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, SIte Saint Charles
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DOI : 10.60527/8s2h-jy82
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EMMA. (2018, 16 novembre). Hadrien Fontanaud (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3), • “Lawrence of Arabia (Lean, 1962): Reframing Imperialism and the Poetics of the Desert” , in Transnationalism and Imperialism: New Perspectives on the Western. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 14 septembre 2024)

Hadrien Fontanaud (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3), • “Lawrence of Arabia (Lean, 1962): Reframing Imperialism and the Poetics of the Desert”

Réalisation : 16 novembre 2018 - Mise en ligne : 20 juin 2019
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Filmed in 1962, Lawrence of Arabia offers a critical look on British imperialism. Yetthis British and American co-production draws on the Empire films of the 1930’s:it focuses on one of the battlefronts of the British Empire in Egypt as well asin the Middle East, and shows parallel with American westerns by emphasizingthe confrontation between Whites Europeans and Natives. Many others elementsreminds us of the western such as trains attacks, epic rides and moreimportantly the lonely hero and the wide-open spaces. This presentation aims toshow how the film, while keeping the conventions and the Eurocentricperspective of westerns and Empire films, explores the ambiguities of imperialistnarratives. It will examine how the desert conveys these ambiguities appearingboth as a fantasized territory to explore and conquer and a place of roamingand disorientation. The analysis will show how the exploration of space islinked to an exploration of Lawrence’s psyche, exposing his instable culturalidentity split between British and Arabic cultures, and his disturbing relationwith violence, thus challenging the traditional boundaries and hierarchybetween civilisation and savagery, east and west.


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