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Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, Site Saint Charles
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DOI : 10.60527/9xyx-v750
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EMMA. (2018, 16 novembre). Jesus Angel Gonzalez Lopez (Universidad de Cantabria, Santander), "Transnational Post-Westerns in French Cinema: Adieu Gary and Les Cowboys" , in Transnationalism and Imperialism: New Perspectives on the Western. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 14 septembre 2024)

Jesus Angel Gonzalez Lopez (Universidad de Cantabria, Santander), "Transnational Post-Westerns in French Cinema: Adieu Gary and Les Cowboys"

Réalisation : 16 novembre 2018 - Mise en ligne : 13 juillet 2019
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The concept of transnational post-Westerns stems fromNeil Campbell’s definition of post-Westerns as films “coming after and goingbeyond the traditional Western [genre] while engaging with and commenting onits deeply haunting assumptions and values” (Campbell 2013: 31). AlthoughWesterns started out as a national genre, they soon became a transnationalphenomenon, which was received and interpreted differently in a variety ofnational contexts. Once Westerns nearly disappeared from mainstream cinema, post-Westernsexploiting their heritage have appeared throughout the world, applying theirassumptions and values to specific national environments. These films have beentermed transnational post-Westerns,and, as shown in previous studies (González 2016; González 2017) they share thefollowing features: clear references to the Western genre, the choice of aspecific area away from the American West which is used with a politicalintention, the scrutiny of the national identity and foundational myths andcontemporary contradictions of that particular country, and the analysis of thedifficulties of integration of racial, ethnic or social minorities, the“contemporary Others” equivalent to Native Americans in Westerns.

 This paper focuses on two French transnational post-Westerns: Adieu Gary (Nassim Amaouche, 2009) and Les Cowboys (Thomas Bidegain, 2015), two films that rewrite twoWesterns (Man of the West and The Searchers respectively) into aFrench contemporary context, in order to analyze the problems andcontradictions of the French Republican model and the integration of the Muslimpopulation. Both films show the difficulties inherent to this model, andpropose solutions that respect the rights of Muslims to show their difference.

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