Produire du savoir - Gouverner des populations
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Savoirs négociés, savoirs traduits
Bonvalet Perrine Diffusing Medical Knowledge to Developing Countries : The Role of a Medical Network in the AIDS Care Policy in Benin. The prevailing role played by international organizations in
Les usages de l’EBM du local au global
Vitor Simonis Richter “Births and data: artifacts and mediations in the everyday practices of the production of population in Porto Alegre, Brazil.” Maud Gelly “Les armes de la critique et la
Usages politiques et sociaux du registre biomédical
Bauer Susanne Modeling population health. Reflections on the performativity of epidemiological techniques in the age of genomics Like accounting in the world of business, practices of quantification
Flipping the Hierarchy of Evidence ?
Flipping the Hierarchy of Evidence ? : Rituals of Inversion and Subversion in the Inclusion of Qualitative Research in WHO Guidelines Evidence-based medicine (EBM)—and its hallmark method, meta
The rise of cost-effectiveness evidence in global health
The rise of cost-effectiveness evidence in global health: contingencies of ‘context’ and the politics of contingency The development and implementation of health policies in developing countries
The medicalization of male sexuality and the creation of public policies in Brazil
The medicalization of male sexuality and the creation of public policies in Brazil This research deals with the medicalization of male sexuality considering two distinct historical processes. The
Samples as Sentinels : Anticipating Emerging Diseases at the Human/Animal Interface
Samples as Sentinels : Anticipating Emerging Diseases at the Human/Animal Interface Recent works have been produced at the crossroads of medical anthropology and science studies on the conservation
Gouverner (par) les bactéries: la surveillance épidémiologique comme « dispositif-frontière »
Governing (through) bacteria: epidemiological surveillance as "boundary-device". The case of antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine The problem of antimicrobial resistance emerged in the
Geographies of responsibility: Spatial and temporal domaining in virtual drug development
Global health’s new ‘geographies of responsibility’: Spatial and temporal domaining in virtual drug development The organization, funding and implementation of global health research is undergoing
Randomised controlled trials, health agencies and consumer organisations
Randomised controlled trials, health agencies and consumer organisations: the case of Intrinsa and Flibanserin Randomized controlled trials (RCT) are now considered the ‘gold standard’ of clinical
Entre gouvernement et subjectivation : le recrutement des sujets de recherche en cancérologie
Between government and subjectivation : the recruitment of subjects in cancer clinical research Clinical trials are a core practice of oncology, which is marked by a « culture of experiment » (Löwy,
Experimentality, locality, and the gut: Treatment and the internal frontiers of the body
Experimentality, locality, and the gut: Treatment and the internal frontiers of the body The paper examines the emerging production of a standardised body of knowledge concerning gut functioning in
Experimental Communities: Mediating locality in clinical trial sites in South Africa
Experimental Communities: Mediating locality in clinical trial sites in South Africa More than twenty years into the HIV epidemic in South Africa, the impacts of HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and the
Preuves incertaines : échelles, corps et environnements dans les sciences de l’obésité
Uncertain evidence: scales, bodies and environments in obesity science This paper examines the uncertainties raised by flows operating between the production of evidence and the making of policy in
Weighting bodies in the South Pacific: the BMI index in the Kingdom of Tonga
Weighting bodies in the South Pacific: the BMI index in the Kingdom of Tonga Weighting bodies in the South Pacific: the BMI index in the Kingdom of TongaAccording to the 2000 WHO Report on Obesity
Le terrain africain dans la construction du calendrier vaccinal français (1970-1990)
Stretching comparisons : African field in French vaccination schedule (1970-1990) During the second half part of the twentieth century, epidemiologists of vaccines and infectious diseases had
Regulating EBM standards: Guidelines for guideline development
Regulating EBM standards: Guidelines for guideline development My doctoral dissertation is entitled In search of standards that avoid standardization: the production and regulation of evidence based
Gaborone, Botswana : la constitution d’un site attractif pour la recherche sur les antirétroviraux
Gaborone, Botswana : constitution of an attractive site for AIDS research : between the production of knowledge and government of population Transnational biomedical research has played a key role
Intervenants et intervenantes
Philosophe, anthropologue, sociologue. Professeur émérite des universités, Sciences Po Médialab, Institut d'études politiques, Paris (en 2019)
Titulaire d'un doctorat en Science politique de l'Université de Bordeaux en 2014
Socio-anthropologue, politologue et travailleur humanitaire (en 2013). - Doctorant en sociologie, EHESS et chercheur associé au LASDEL (Laboratoire d'Etudes et de recherches sur les Dynamiques Sociales et le Développement), Niamey, Niger (en 2021)
Professeure de médecine et d'anthropologie à l'Université Dalhousie
Post doctorant en anthropologie à l'Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2013)
Auteur d'une thèse d'exercice de médecine à l'Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7. Directeur de thèse d'exercice de médecine à l'Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
Doctorant en philosophie et en Géographie à l'Université de Sydney (2013)
Doctorant au département de sociologie de la Delhi School of Economics, Université de Delhi (2013)
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Historien de l'économie au Queen's University Belfast
Post-doctorant au Centre pour le développement et l'environnement de l'Université d'Oslo (2013)
Anthropologue qui enseigne au King's College de Londres (2013)
Enseigne également à l'université Vanderbilt à Nashville dans le Tennessee aux États-Unis (en 2021)