Lieu de réalisation
INALCO, 65 Rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris France
Langues :
Anglais, Français
Dimitri GALITZINE (Réalisation), Elisabeth de PABLO (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), Karsten Giese (Intervention), Katy Lam (Intervention), Laurence Marfaing (Intervention), Dominique Saatenang (Intervention)
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Tous droits réservés.
DOI : 10.60527/v3df-vg09
Citer cette ressource :
Karsten Giese, Katy Lam, Laurence Marfaing, Dominique Saatenang. FMSH. (2015, 9 septembre). Chinese – African Figures of inbetweeness , in Colloque final du programme ANR : "Espaces de la culture chinoise en Afrique". [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 27 juillet 2024)

Chinese – African Figures of inbetweeness

Réalisation : 9 septembre 2015 - Mise en ligne : 1 novembre 2015
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
  • niveau 1 niveau 2 niveau 3

The Chinese-African encounter – a source of creativity, adaptation, but also of disorder – is transforming African societies. Whether talking about the Chinese present in Africa, or Africans travelling in China, we come up against difficulties of classification, or even status, given the multiplicity of trajectories and activities. One of the first difficulties stems from the propensity to talk about “Africans” and “Chinese”, as if dealing with homogeneous groups. Another concerns the tendency to talk about “migrants” when looking at mobilities whose duration, objectives, and criteria of investment significantly surpass habitual connotations surrounding migration/migrants in academic research, causing considerable confusion both in terms of these activities and mobilities. Finally, the ideology behind South-South discourses that denounce the influence of the North tends to introduce a militant perspective. Based on empirical studies, this panel will aim to clarify the different facets of this “inbetweenness”, which concerns both individuals and the societies in which they circulate.


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