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François Baccelli (Publication), Ali Khezeli (Intervention)
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Ali Khezeli. Inria. (2023, 26 juin). An Improved Lower Bound on the Largest Common Subtree of Random Leaf-Labeled Binary Trees , in DYOGENE/ERC NEMO 2023 : Seminar series. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 16 juin 2024)

An Improved Lower Bound on the Largest Common Subtree of Random Leaf-Labeled Binary Trees

Réalisation : 26 juin 2023 - Mise en ligne : 19 juin 2023
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
  • niveau 1 niveau 2 niveau 3

It is known that the size of the largest common subtree (i.e., the maximum agreement subtree) of two independent random binary trees with n given labeled leaves is of order between n^(0.366) and n^(1/2). We improve the lower bound to order n^(0.4464) by constructing a common subtree recursively and by proving a lower bound for its asymptotic growth. The construction is a modification of an algorithm proposed by D. Aldous by splitting the tree at the centroid and by proceeding recursively.


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