La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation des ressources et mobilité des pratiques
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This workshop is in keeping with a series of thematic colloquiums having the ambition to convene the principal european and international teams that work at mountain territories archaeology and history in Europe. The first workshop took place at the ICAC (Catalonian Institute of Classic Archeology) in Tarragona, the 4th to 6th June 2008. The second one will take place at the Maison de la Recherche of Toulouse University the 8th to 11th October 2009. It will be organized by a group of French university and CNRS laboratories working on similar thematics, with invarious and complementary social-environmental mountain contexts. The workshop will last four days : two days dedicated to oral communications and discussions, followed by two days of field trips and presentation of two interdisciplinary projects of pyrenean research (Ossau valley and Iraty massif). The main theme of this workshop is centered on questions related to resource exploitation by mountain societies and to practice mobility at the origin of long term mountain territory construction. The teams and researchers brought together at this workshop will aim to understand the peopling and the management of different mountain spaces during the millenaries and to restitute the construction dynamics of territories and landscapes as entities that are at the same time environmental, socioeconomic and cultural. The occupation and the exploitation of mountain environments, both during conquest and maximum demographic phases, or on the contrary, during desertification phases, differ in geographical caracteristics of the mountain ranges, but also according to caracteristics forms of each social system (peopling system, standards and strategies for resource appropriation and exploitation, structuration of exchange patterns for their products). The triptych mountain-plains-piedmont forms the privileged observation frame, but the current inquieries on general mountain massifs show that the intensity and the nature of the links between these three spaces may vary considerably. The resource structuring along this transect and the modes of exploitation that have been developed (agro-pastoralism, charcoal and mining activities, etc.) constitute the first marker of these variations. In all documented cases of figure, dynamic models of society movements are executed, at different patial and temporal levels. So it’s through the prism of practice mobility that the workshop proposes to work on these topics, with the object to update the historical processes that have conducted to a plurimillenial contruction of mountain territories.
La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation des ressources et mobilité des pratiques…
The occupation and the exploitation of mountain environments, both during conquest and maximum demographic phases, or on the contrary, during desertification phases, differ in geographical
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L'agro-pastoralisme en milieu montagnard : l'apport des sépultures saisonnières. Patrice COURTAUD. In "La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation des ressources et mobilité des
Exploitations du cuivre au Bronze ancien dans les Alpes / Joël Vital, Éric Thirault
Cadre chrono-culturel, économique et premières exploitations du cuivre au Bronze ancien dans les Alpes nord-occidentales. E. THIRAULT, J. VITAL. In "La construction des territoires montagnards :
Premiers indices d'exploitation de cuivre et de fer dans les Pyrénées occidentales / Argitxu Beyrie
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Iron mining and smelting from the late to early medieval Periods in the Mercantour / P. Rosenthal
Iron mining and smelting at high altitude from the late Roman to early medieval Periods in the Mercantour massif (Alpes-Maritimes, France). Patrick ROSENTHAL. In 2eme workshop d'Archéologie du paysage
A cultural landscape research in a mediterranean mountain (Barcelona-Girona) / A. Garcia Molsosa
A cultural landscape research in a mediterranean mountain area : the "Massis del Montseny project" (Barcelona-Girona) / A. GARCIA MOLSOSA. In "La construction des territoires montagnards :
Exemple de l'occupation de l'espace dans la montagne corse au bas Moyen Age: peuplement et économie…
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The Hidram4000 project : land use, human occupation and lanscape changes in Spain / A. Curras
The Hidram4000 project : land use, human occupation and lanscape changes in Spain during the last 3000 years. The Somolinos lake record (1240 M A.S.L.) : Siera de Pela, Guadalajara Province. Andres
Mountain anthropization in Alps : a multidisciplinary look in the Pygmalion program / F. Arnaud
Mountain anthropization in Alps : a multidisciplinary look in the framework of Pygmalion research program. Fabien ARNAUD. In "La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation des ressources
Exploitation of natural vegetal resources in chalcolithic areni-1 cave (Armenia) / R. Hovsepyan
Exploitation of natural vegetal resources in chalcolithic areni-1 cave settlement (Armenia). Roman HOVSEPYAN ovsepyan, Roman. In "La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation des
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Wildfires in european alps : frequent yesterday, rare today, frequent tomorrow ?. Walter Finsinger. In "La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation des ressources et mobilité des
Territorial practices, landscape dynamics and mobilities in a french mountain / P. Allée, Y. MIras
Territorial practices, landscape dynamics and spatio-temporal mobilities in a french medium mountain : integrated approach combining archaeological and paleoecological inverstigations performed in the
Populating and circulations in the valleys of the western alps of prehistory to antiquity/ PJ. Rey
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Exploitation des vallées andorranes depuis le Néolithique/ J.-M. Palet Martinez, H. Orengo Romeu
L'exploitation des ressources des vallées andorranes du Madriu-Perafita-Claror et de la chaîne du Cadi (Pyrénées orientales) depuis le Néolithique à partir des données archéologiques et
New data about the human occupation, environmental history, landscape changes in Pyrenees / Emengol…
The Excava project : new data about the human occupation, environmental history and landscape changes in southern Pyrenees. Emengol GASSIOT BALLBE. In "La construction des territoires montagnards :
Constructions et fonctionnalités des territoires de montagne en pays de Soule / Pascal Palu
Constructions et fonctionnalités des territoires de montagne en pays de Soule. Pascal Palu (ITEM, Pau, France). In "La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation des ressources et
Rythmes et mobilité d'occupation dans le massif du Morvan / Isabelle Jouffroy-Bapicot, Pierre Nouvel
Rythmes et mobilité d'occupation dans le massif du Morvan du premier âge du fer au haut Moyen Age : spatialisation et croisement des données archéologiques et paléoenvironnementales. Isabelle Jouffroy
Spatial modeling approach of summer pasture grazing walks / Mélanie Le Couédic
Spatial modeling approach of summer pasture grazing walks in an ethnoarchaeological perspective : a pyrenean case study. M. LE COUEDIC (Laboratoire LAT, CITERES, Université François Rabelais, Tours).
Elevation-induced variations of pollen assemblages in North-Western Alps / Elena Ortu
Elevation-induced variations of pollen assemblages in the North-Western Alps : a model for the quantifications of lapse-rates and temperature evolution during the holocene. Elena ORTU. Deuxième
Quantitative organic petrography and reconstruction of paleoenvironments in Alps / A. Simonneau
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Reconstructing past agro-pastoral systems from environmental archaeology in Liguria / B.I. Menozzi
Reconstructing past agro-sylvo-pastoral systems from environmental archaeology and historical ecology sites in Ligurian Mountain (Italy). Menozzi, Bruna Ilde (Université de Gênes). In "La construction
Environmental archaeology of post-medieval terraced chestnut groves sites / C. Molinari, AM. Stagno
Environmental and rural Archaeology of post-medieval terraced chestnut groves sites in NW Italian Mountains. MOLINARI, Chiara ; STAGNO, Anna-Maria (Laboratorio di Archeologia e Storia Ambientale,
Plant economy of a seasonally occupied site at high altitude during the Neolithic / Lucie Martin
Plant economy of a seasonally occupied site at high altitude during the Neolithic : the Rockshelter of l'Aulp du Seuil in the Chartreuse Massif (Saint-Bernard du Touvet, Isère, France) . MARTIN Lucie.
Evolution of Land use at lake St Point (Jura Mountains) since the neolithic Period / Emilie Gauthier
Evolution of Land use at lake St Point (Jura Mountains) since the neolithic Period : palynological and sedimentological analyses. Emilie GAUTHIER. In "La construction des territoires montagnards :
Mountain farming of Norway : Land use History and Development of cultural Landscapes / Mons Kvamme
Mountain summer farming of Norway : land use History and Development of cultural Landscapes / Mons KVAMME. In "La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation des ressources et mobilité des
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Val Febbraro-Valle Spluga : a survey of the use of an upper mountain-alpine area in Central Italian Alps. Dagfinn MOE. In 2eme workshop d'Archéologie du paysage des montagnes européennes "La
Exploitation of copper ressources in Alps in the late Neolithic and Bronze Age / Laurent Carozza
Glacial fluctuations and exploitation of copper ressources in high mountain Alps in the late Neolithic and Bronze Age (2500-1500 BC). Laurent Carozza (Université Toulouse2-Le Mirail). In 2eme workshop
Prehistory of the Southern Appalachian uplands of Tennessee / Jay Franklin
Prehistory of the Southern Appalachian uplands of Tennessee. Jay FRANKLIN. In "La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation des ressources et mobilité des pratiques", 2e International
Human environmental interactions in high altitude zone between Neolithic and roman period / K. Walsh
A History of Transitions : human environmental interactions in the high altitude zone between Neolithic and roman period. Kevin WALSH. In "La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation
L'évolution végétale holocène sur le versant sud des Pyrénées occidentales / Maria-José Iriarte
L'évolution végétale holocène sur le versant sud des Pyrénées occidentales. Maria José IRIARTE. In "La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation des ressources et mobilité des pratiques"
Intervenants et intervenantes
Géographe. Directeur de recherche CNRS, Laboratoire Géographie de l'environnement, Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès (en 2016)
Directeur de recherche CNRS, Laboratoire Géographie de l'environnement, Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès (en 2016)
Ingénieur de recherche en poste à l'UMR, 5199 PACEA-A3P (Laboratoire d'anthropologie des populations du passé), Université Bordeaux 1 (en 2011)
Professeur à l'Université Lumières Lyon 2 (en 2019). UFR Temps & Territoires, UMR 5138 ArAr - Archéologie & Archéométrie (2022)
Titulaire d'un doctorat en Sciences de l'Antiquité (Toulouse 2, 2003)
Doctorant à l'Institut Catalan d’Archéologie Classique (ICAC) de Tarragone (Espagne) (2009)
Docteur en archéologie médiévale (Université de Corse, 2010)
Travaille à l'Université de Barcelone, impliqué dans le projet Hidram4000
Directeur de recherche, CNRS, Université de Savoie Mont-Blanc (en 2017)
Paléobotaniste à l'Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography d'Erevan et membre du projet ArAGATS depuis 2005 (en 2009)
Chargé de recherche. CNRS. Université de Montpellier2
DE BEAULIEU Jacques-Louis (2010). La construction des territoires montagnards : exploitation des ressources et mobilité des pratiques. Compte rendu d'atelier (Toulouse, 8-11 octobre 2009), Natures Sciences Sociétés, 18, 2010/3, 341-343. [En ligne :].