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Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 Site Saint Charles
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DOI : 10.60527/4t98-3q39
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EMMA. (2018, 15 novembre). Jenny Barrett (Edge Hill University), “(Not) John Wayne and (Not) the American West in Jauja (2014): Lisandro Alonso’s Slow Western" , in Transnationalism and Imperialism: New Perspectives on the Western. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

Jenny Barrett (Edge Hill University), “(Not) John Wayne and (Not) the American West in Jauja (2014): Lisandro Alonso’s Slow Western"

Réalisation : 15 novembre 2018 - Mise en ligne : 19 juin 2019
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Until Jauja(2014), Argentine director Lisandro had filmed only contemporary stories ofisolated men in a long-take, observational style with non-professional actors, saidto centre on ‘men who ride lonesome’ (Quandt, 2008). Jauja, set in 1880s Argentina, follows the story of Danish CaptainDinesen, a man who ‘rides lonesome’ when his daughter elopes into thewilderness. It features the star Viggo Mortensen, half-Danish and partly raisedin Argentina, who contributed to the film’s narrative and music, and is filmedby Finnish cinematographer, Timo Salminen. Mortensen’s and Salminen’s input ledto narrative and stylistic allusions to the Westerns of John Ford, and yetAlonso’s art cinema direction resists the conventions of these iconic, affirmatory,classical American Westerns.

This paper pursues Francisco Brignole’sperspective on Alonso’s earlier films as characterised by ‘cinematic excess’(from Kristin Thompson) within which can be found a meaningful and ‘whole otherfilm’ (Brignole, 2016). In Jauja, theexcess of allusions to the American Western allows us to identify a ‘wholeother film’ in which Mortensen is, and is not, John Wayne, and the Argentinelandscape is at once both and not the American West. In so doing it is possibleto recognise Jauja as a film thatresists the Western as essentially North American and acknowledges its transationalnature.


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